I have a question which I am having trouble figuring out.
assume I have the following function
gentype() = PP
assume I have a type as QQ{MM{gentype(){LL{Int}},Z}, NN{LL{Z}}} I want to transform it to another type
XQQ{XMM{PP{LL{Int}},XZ}, XNN{XLL{XZ}}} via generating the following code:
As you see here,
PP{LL{Int}} hasn’t changed because the type is PP. The others types are transformed to their new versions. So my question is how can I do this at runtime. How does transformtype look like? What is its signature ? I assume I will need some sort of a state.
where state includes transformed and untransformed versions of the types, so that the outer one selects and chains and updates the state. This should work.