Cloud computing environment that supports Julia

If the problem is worth a few cents to you and you have a credit card i can recommend.
They are an PC with GPU peer-lending platform which has lower rates than other cloud services since they offer consumer GPUs.
To run julia on them select the image
[nvidia/cuda:9.0-cudnn7-devel-ubuntu16.04 ](
And download the Julia binaries for Linux. I’ve had some JuliaGPU tests running there and they worked fine. You then have to install all the packages.
If you add a credit card (the only way to pay) you get $2 of free budget which is a lot when instances cost between 0.06$ for a 1x GTX 1070 and 1.60$ for 8x RTX 2080 Ti per hour, you can also bid for a cheaper price but then you can be interrupted at any time.
They also offer access to GPU machines from Google and Amazon at their prices.
Important things:
Do not forget to turn of or destroy it over the web interface.
If it is turned of you are only paying for storage.
On some instances you also have to pay for bandwidth.

Disclaimer: I got a $10 credit for reporting bugs in there interface to them. I think they are cool guys.