Rent GPUs for teaching programming GPU in Julia


we are facing following problem. We are teaching programming in Julia and in the last lecture, we want to practice programming GPUs. Though our course was assigned to a room, where computers do not have nvidia gpus. Therefore I would like to ask, if someone knows about possibility to rent GPUs for a class through some provider, ideally JuliaHUB. My ideal setting would be that student register and provide code, for which he would had few hours of GPU time and we would pay for that. I remember that on past JuliaCon, someone had a setup like this.

Thanks for suggestions in advance.

I haven’t tried this recently, but I think you can get GPUs working using Google Colab + Julia, although a lot of the links I found are very dated and may not work any more.

I think this post will have more info - Julia on Google Colab: Free GPU-Accelerated Shareable Notebooks

If you can get this working for your class I’d be interested how smooth the process is.

This was suggested my TA. I was hoping in something smoother. But I will give it a shot.

Another idea is to try to request the resources from an affiliated HPC center, if available.

That was also an idea. Unfortunately obtaining a login to our cluster is not exactly swift operation. And we do not have that many GPUs on it.