To compute Jacobians and Hessians in DifferentiationInterface.jl, I need to write a function basis(x::AbstractArray, inds)
that computes parts of the standard basis in the appropriate vector space.
I would like it to have the following properties:
basis(x, inds)
returns an array with the same type asx
, containing zeros everywhere and ones at the indicesinds
is obtained as a subset ofeachindex(x)
, so its elements can be either integers orCartesianIndex
, and its length is not statically known- it natively works for weird array types like StaticArrays.jl or JLArrays.jl (GPU)
- it is efficient
- it is self-contained to avoid unnecessary load time
Sofar I’ve been relying on FillArrays.jl but it doesn’t satisfy criteria 2 and 5:
using FillArrays
function basis(
x::AbstractArray{T,N}, inds::AbstractVector{<:CartesianIndex{N}}
) where {T,N}
b = zero(x)
for i in inds
b += OneElement(one(T), Tuple(i), axes(x))
return b
I also have a self-contained version which doesn’t satisfy criteria 2 and 3 (because it calls similar
, which changes the type of a StaticArrays.SArray
to allow mutation):
using LinearAlgebra
function basis(
x::AbstractArray{T}, inds::AbstractVector{<:Integer}
) where {T}
b = zero(similar(x))
I = Diagonal(vec(b) .+ one(T))
vec(b) .+= sum(view(I, :, inds); dims=2)
return b
Does anyone have a brilliant idea or is my wish list irreconcilable? I would already be happy with a basis(x, i)
that works for a single index