The svd function in LinearAlgebra package has an option to select the algorithm for factorization method. But could not find proper way to use it.
using LinearAlgebra
A= rand(Float32, 10, 20);
F = svd(A, full=true) # works fine
F2 = svd(A, full=true, alg=QRIteration()) # does not work
Asks me to use LinearAlgebra.Algorithm and when I use it :
F2 = svd(A, full=true, alg=LinearAlgebra.QRIteration())
#throws and error saying
ERROR: TypeError: in keyword argument alg, expected LinearAlgebra.Algorithm, got Type{LinearAlgebra.QRIteration}
What is the proper use of another algorithm for svd ?
Yet another question is can svd be used with CUDA.jl ?