This is kind of embarrassing, but, I can’t figure out how to change the seed=123 argument on the DQN_Cartpole experiment.
I threw the code into a Jupyter notebook, with the function in one big cell, then the ex=E'JuliaRL_BasicDQN_CartPole' and run(ex) each in their own cell. Everything runs fine but I want to add more arguments to the function and I can’t figure out how the function is called…
I think the way to call this with the additional arguments is either
ex = E`JuliaRL_DQN_CartPole(seed=37)`
if you want to use the string macros (personally I think they mostly confuse things) or
ex = Experiment(Val(:JuliaRL), Val(:DQN), Val(:CartPole), nothing; seed=37)
if you want to use the method call.
If you want to change more things though, I would copy the env into my own function so I can mess with it best I want. So starting from the base file here
you can set up a function to generate your experiment something like this