Changes to PkgServers storage backend

Agree. Asking to open up all of GitHub is too much.


That is not correct. Juliaup downloads everything from either or (if one installs the nightly channel). The only other domain involved for Juliaup is for initial user-initiated installs of Juliaup itself.

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Hmmm. Then what’s happening on this line (line 84)?

Do you have more details? How did that manifest itself? Juliaup should definitely not do any such thing, and I can’t think of anything that would trigger that :slight_smile:

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That code is never used anywhere. I copied the shell scripts that do the initial setup from rustup, and they had one for Mac/Linux and one for Windows. The file you refer to is the Windows one. But we don’t support that kind of setup on Windows with Juliaup. I’m just keeping the file around, in case we change our mind down the road so that we have a starting point, we could also just delete the file for now.

The relevant (equivalent) location for the (used) Linux/Mac shell script is juliaup/deploy/shellscript/ at ce87fbdb02ee15ef14713a10e7e5aed8cca023ca · JuliaLang/juliaup · GitHub.

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This seems like what version control is for. Having unused code in a repo is quite confusing. Similar with large blocks of commented out code. git log -G is your friend when you want to find it later.