CellListMap: How do I loop through its neighbour list in a thread-safe way?

You need to allocate one array of results for each thread and add them at the end. Packages as Floops.jl do that for you.

I use this package in many cases: GitHub - m3g/ChunkSplitters.jl: Simple chunk splitters for parallel loop executions

With this pattern:

using ChunkSplitters
function chunk_splitters(N, list; nchunks = Threads.nthreads())
    results = [ zeros(N) for _ in 1:nchunks ]
    Threads.@threads for (list_range, ichunk) in chunks(list, nchunks)
        for i in list_range
            i, j, d = list[i] 
            results[ichunk][i] += d
            results[ichunk][j] += d
    return sum(results)

Note, however, that with such a simple operation, you will probably be memory-bounded (see this thread for some discussion about this).

I can get a good speedup from multi-threading for a list of pairs of about 3 millions pairs.

Here is a complete running example, in which I preallocate the arrrays used for multi-threading:

using Test
using CellListMap
using StaticArrays
using BenchmarkTools
using ChunkSplitters

function single_threaded(result, list)
    result .= 0.0
    for i in eachindex(list)
        i, j, d = list[i]
        result[i] += d
        result[j] += d
    return result

function chunk_splitters(result, list, nchunks, results_threaded)
    # reset
    result .= 0.0
    for i in eachindex(results_threaded)
        results_threaded[i] .= 0.0
    # compute for each chunk
    Threads.@threads for (Lrange, ichunk) in chunks(list, nchunks)
        for i in Lrange
            i, j, d = list[i] 
            results_threaded[ichunk][i] += d
            results_threaded[ichunk][j] += d
    # reduce
    for i in eachindex(results_threaded)
        result .+= results_threaded[i]
    return result

function main()

    N      = 10^4
    # generates points with the atomic density of water and a realistic cutoff
    # for molecular systems
    points, box = CellListMap.xatomic(N)

    system = InPlaceNeighborList(x=points, cutoff=box.cutoff)
    list   = neighborlist!(system)
    result = zeros(N)

    nchunks = Threads.nthreads()
    results_threaded = [ copy(result) for _ in 1:nchunks ]

    println("Number of pairs in list: $(length(list))")

    @test single_threaded(result, list) ≈ chunk_splitters(result, list, nchunks, results_threaded)
    @btime single_threaded($result, $list)
    @btime chunk_splitters($result, $list, $nchunks, $results_threaded)


With which I get:

julia> main()
Number of pairs in list: 2689668
  7.570 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
  2.188 ms (49 allocations: 4.36 KiB)