Hi there! I wonder if anyone can help me with this… I would like to write a macro that takes a function definition and modifies it to do something at the beginning and at the end. So I cooked up this MWE but I got stuck on using the where-clause from what it was captured:
using MacroTools
macro foo(ex)
@capture(ex, function f_(args__) where T_ body_ end) || error("bad ex")
@info "captured" f args T body
newex = :(
function $(esc(f))($(esc(args...))) where $T
# @info "newex" newex
return newex
And it’s give me this error:
julia> @foo function wat(x::T) where {T <: Number}
@info "variables" x
return x + 1
┌ Info: captured
│ f = :wat
│ args =
│ 1-element Array{Any,1}:
│ :(x::T)
│ T = :(T <: Number)
│ body =
│ quote
│ #= REPL[23]:2 =#
│ #= REPL[23]:2 =# @info "variables" x
│ #= REPL[23]:3 =#
│ return x + 1
└ end
ERROR: UndefVarError: T not defined
What am I missing? Thanks