There are two syntaxes that I know that defines a function:
julia> Meta.@dump function f(x)
head: Symbol function
args: Array{Any}((2,))
1: Expr
head: Symbol call
args: Array{Any}((2,))
1: Symbol f
2: Symbol x
2: Expr
head: Symbol block
args: Array{Any}((3,))
1: LineNumberNode
line: Int64 1
file: Symbol REPL[42]
2: LineNumberNode
line: Int64 2
file: Symbol REPL[42]
3: Symbol x
julia> Meta.@dump f(x)=x
head: Symbol =
args: Array{Any}((2,))
1: Expr
head: Symbol call
args: Array{Any}((2,))
1: Symbol f
2: Symbol x
2: Expr
head: Symbol block
args: Array{Any}((2,))
1: LineNumberNode
line: Int64 1
file: Symbol REPL[43]
2: Symbol x
when there is a where
statement things just get more complicated. It’s common for a macro to take a function and manipulate its name, arguments and body. Is there a built-in method that extracts those information?
Further, when I use a macro before a function definition, the macro gets a collection of expressions. How do I merge them like how Meta.@dump