i’m hitting this error on my mac (OS High Sierra) when trying to build from source. any ideas?
# it seems openBLAS completes fine.
# changed nothing in Make.inc
OS ... Darwin
Architecture ... x86_64
BINARY ... 64bit
Use 64 bits int (equivalent to "-i8" in Fortran)
C compiler ... CLANG (command line : clang -stdlib=libc++ -mmacosx-version-min=10.8 -m64)
Fortran compiler ... GFORTRAN (command line : gfortran -mmacosx-version-min=10.8 -m64)
-n Library Name ... libopenblas64_p-r0.2.20.a
(Multi threaded; Max num-threads is 16)
WARNING: If you plan to use the dynamic library libopenblas64_p-r0.2.20.dylib, you must run:
"make PREFIX=/your_installation_path/ install".
(or set PREFIX in Makefile.rule and run make install.
If you want to move the .dylib to a new location later, make sure you change
the internal name of the dylib with:
install_name_tool -id /new/absolute/path/to/libopenblas64_p-r0.2.20.dylib libopenblas64_p-r0.2.20.dylib
To install the library, you can run "make PREFIX=/path/to/your/installation install".
archive_write_pax_header: 'x' header failed?! This can't happen.
make[1]: *** [/Users/74097/git/julia/usr-staging/openblas-5dde4e65d321076582a2fafe16949d2160551e81.tgz] Error 1
make: *** [julia-deps] Error 2