git clone git://
cd julia
git checkout v0.6.1
ld: library not found for -lSystem
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[4]: *** [testlsame] Error 1
make[3]: *** [lapack_install] Error 2
make[2]: *** [netlib] Error 2
*** Clean the OpenBLAS build with ‘make -C deps clean-openblas’. Rebuild with ‘make OPENBLAS_USE_THREAD=0’ if OpenBLAS had trouble linking, and with ‘make OPENBLAS_TARGET_ARCH=NEHALEM’ if there were errors building SandyBridge support. Both these options can also be used simultaneously. ***
make[1]: *** [scratch/openblas-85636ff1a015d04d3a8f960bc644b85ee5157135/build-compiled] Error 1
make: *** [julia-deps] Error 2
which cannot be solved (I tried the suggestions). I have MacOS 10.12.3, XCode 9.01 with all bits and bobs, gfortran is GNU Fortran 7.2.0 form homebrew.
I was trying to build from source last night on Linux, and didn’t realize there was now a v0.6.1. But I had the same error.
I got around it by cloning, building, and installing OpenBLAS. Then returning to Julia, creatrf the file Make.user with the following lines:
as described in Linux troubleshooting. Even though you’re on a Mac, given that your error is in building OpenBLAS, if you can just get it on your system and then use system BLAS you should be fine.
because I am lazy, and I do mean it, I was wondering whether there is an option that does not require me to install my own OpenBLAS (or use OSX supplied one, assuming it supplies one), mostly because I would have to baby the darn thing forevermore rather than just clone the latest stable release and make. Do not get me wrong, I think you are suggesting a good fix, but let’s see if a less work approach comes up.