Cannot read stream serialized with a newer version of Julia

I am trying to read a file created in a different machine, and I get this error which seems to be a version mismatch error. My Julia is version 1.5.3. I have no idea how to proceed from this point.

julia> using Serialization;
julia> using SparseArrays;
julia> K=deserialize("Rosalind_TSS_BistochKer_N=20000_Q=4_off=50_eps=0.002.txt");
ERROR: LoadError: Cannot read stream serialized with a newer version of Julia.
Got data version 13 > current version 10

this is by design, for long-term storage of data, use “normal” data format (Arrow, Parquet, HDF5, ROOT…)

Your Julia version is too old. The data was likely serialized using Julia 1.6 or newer, so you will need to upgrade.