I’d like to use ½ in equations e.g.
X = 2
Y = ½X
Is this possible?
I just get error invalid character “½”
I’d like to use ½ in equations e.g.
X = 2
Y = ½X
Is this possible?
I just get error invalid character “½”
Julia places certain restrictions on what’s allowed for the first letter of a variable name - broadly speaking, alphabetical characters (in most languages) are okay, and numerical characters are not. However, you can use the ‘½’ character in any subsequent position. It won’t behave like a numeric literal, though - that juxtaposition behavior is only allowed for things like 0.5, 1//2, and 1/2:
julia> X = 2
julia> 0.5X
julia> (1/2)X
julia> (1//2)X
julia> Y = X½ = 0.5X
julia> X½
Thanks Alex