Can this equation be modeled by julia

Screenshot 2022-05-23 193439

Yes of course:

julia> -1/μ₀ * (∂/∂r) * (∂/r*∂r * (r * Eθ)) - 1/μ₀ ∂^2*Eθ/∂*z^2 + i*ω*σ*Eθ - i*ω*σ * sum(Vₖ/2π*r for i ∈ 1:7) = 0

(more seriously, you will need to provide quite a bit more context to get sensible advice here…)

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This looks like a PDE, you might want to look at GitHub - SciML/MethodOfLines.jl: Automatic Finite Difference PDE solving with Julia SciML. Please post an issue if you get stuck. As a note, you’ll need to seperate your equation in to real and imaginary parts for it to work at the moment.

for more context

sorry it’s in french

what I found it difficult its expressing those integrals in julia

But what do you try to achieve?

i want to vusualise Etheta

Have you heard of quadrature? That is a useful technique for solving integrals. you could construct a quadrature matrix for the integral operators, rearrange and solve.

is it a lybrary on julia?

There is Quadrature.jl, but I’m not sure that this will work for your use case.

What size do you expect the discretized E_theta to be?


Is E_theta a function of some parameters, say r, z, t? I mean with what sized array will you approximate it?

E\theta independent to t

if i split the equation to real and imaginari parts does that doesn’t change the solution

The solution is then realpart + im*imagpart

it does’nt work

Read the docs carefully, you will note that that’s not how the differential operators are used. You also need to supply the fact that
E_theta has r, z dependence. Again, consult the docs. There are also a lot of undefined variables used in that equation.

i have to send it by 12 pm
idon know how to visualise it

please help me

If this is an assignment, this is the wrong way of going about solving it. Your professor will have given you material that can be used to help find a solution, I suggest that you consult your notes. And in future, if you want help with solutions, as mentioned above, you really need to provide more context.