Can only run Unit Tests with Gurobi locally because of Licence

Dear Julia Discourse Optimization,

I can not run Unit Tests (Test.jl) with Gurobi, because CI.yml file and GitHub action don’t have a valid Gurobi Licence.

	@test rspoptimize(pars, 1, optimizer_with_attributes(GLPK.Optimizer,
			"msg_lev" => GLPK.GLP_MSG_ALL,
			"tm_lim" => pars.timelimit),
		 true) == 0

	@test rspoptimize(pars, 1, optimizer_with_attributes(Gurobi.Optimizer,
				"TimeLimit" => pars.timelimit), true) == 0
	@test rspoptimize(pars, 3, optimizer_with_attributes(Gurobi.Optimizer,
				"TimeLimit" => pars.timelimit), true) == 0

My current (non-satisfying workaround) is:

	@test rspoptimize(pars, 1, optimizer_with_attributes(GLPK.Optimizer,
			"msg_lev" => GLPK.GLP_MSG_ALL,
			"tm_lim" => pars.timelimit),
		 true) == 0
	gurobilocal = false
	if gurobilocal
    @test rspoptimize(pars, 1, optimizer_with_attributes(Gurobi.Optimizer,
				"TimeLimit" => pars.timelimit), true) == 0
	@test rspoptimize(pars, 3, optimizer_with_attributes(Gurobi.Optimizer,
				"TimeLimit" => pars.timelimit), true) == 0

I am able to run those test locally. Is that the correct way to do? Disabling the Gurobi tests before committing?

Please note that the GitHub action works with GLPK Unit tests.


The point of JuMP is that you shouldn’t need to explicitly test Gurobi.

If it works with GLPK, and the user can pass their own optimizer, then that’s enough.

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