I have been using Blocs.jl and it’s quite awesome. I am trying to make passing compressed data between Python, Julia, and R easier so I was looking for compression format that can used in all of them.
I tried to compress something using LZ4 in R
xc = sample(10:20, 1e6, replace = TRUE)
x <- writeBin(xc, raw())
xc1= qs::lz4_compress_raw(x, 1)
writeBin(xc1, "c:/data/ok.io")
As you can see, I can read them in R fine. However, I can’t read them using CodecLz4.jl as the particular lz format isn’t supported yet, see https://github.com/invenia/CodecLz4.jl/issues/25
So I tried Blosc.jl as the comment seems to suggest
using Blosc
comp = open("c:/data/ok.io", "r") do io
Blosc.decompress(UInt8, comp) # returns 0 length array
Blosc.decompress(UInt8, comp) # return 0 length arrray
So I want to know if Blosc.jl can only read content that it has compressed? How do I change the inptu content so that Blosc.jl can decompress the lz4 content produced by other lz4 compressors in other languages?