Can Blosc.jl only decompress content that it has compressed?

I have been using Blocs.jl and it’s quite awesome. I am trying to make passing compressed data between Python, Julia, and R easier so I was looking for compression format that can used in all of them.

I tried to compress something using LZ4 in R

xc = sample(10:20, 1e6, replace = TRUE)
x <- writeBin(xc, raw())

xc1= qs::lz4_compress_raw(x, 1)
writeBin(xc1, "c:/data/")


As you can see, I can read them in R fine. However, I can’t read them using CodecLz4.jl as the particular lz format isn’t supported yet, see

So I tried Blosc.jl as the comment seems to suggest

using Blosc
comp = open("c:/data/", "r") do io

Blosc.decompress(UInt8, comp) # returns 0 length array

Blosc.decompress(UInt8, comp) # return 0 length arrray

So I want to know if Blosc.jl can only read content that it has compressed? How do I change the inptu content so that Blosc.jl can decompress the lz4 content produced by other lz4 compressors in other languages?

You could also look at Not sure whether it supports the particular format you need, but in general it has worked well for parquet.

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Even you set a different compressor to use under the hood, IIRC blosc expects the data to use its own header format.

Would appreciate pointers to the documentation, my google-fu isn’t turning up much on that.

I guess solution is for a Julia LZ4 implementation that works for all LZ4 formats.