I’m trying to simulate the combustion of hydrogen using Cantera from Julia via PyCall. But I’m having trouble using PyCall from within my DifferentialEquations function. I have translated this (custom.py | Cantera) Python script to Julia. In order to install Cantera to run the code below, please follow:
- Installing Cantera | Cantera
- Calling chemical kinetics solvers like CHEMKIN or Cantera from Julia - #2 by R_Surya_Narayan
First a version of the script which uses a for-loop with simple Euler integration:
using PyCall
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots
# import Cantera
ct = pyimport("cantera")
# create a gas
gas = ct.Solution("h2o2.yaml")
# Initial condition
P = ct.one_atm
gas.TPX = 1250.0, P, "H2:2,O2:1,N2:4"
u0 = [gas.T; gas.Y]
u = zeros(length(u0),500_000)
u[:,1] = u0
# timestep
dt = 1e-9
for i = 1:500_000-1
# set state
gas.TPY = u[1,i], P, u[2:end,i]
# State vector is [T, Y_1, Y_2, ... Y_K]
gas.TP = u[1], P
rho = gas.density
wdot = gas.net_production_rates
dTdt = - ( dot(gas.partial_molar_enthalpies, wdot) /
(rho * gas.cp))
dYdt = wdot .* gas.molecular_weights / rho
du = [dTdt; dYdt]
u[:,i+1] = u[:,i] + du[:] * dt
plot(legend=false, xlabel="time / s", ylabel="molefraction")
for i = 2:length(u0)-1
Which produces a plot that makes sense:
Next, my attempt at implementing the same code with DifferentialEquations.jl:
using PyCall
using DifferentialEquations
using LinearAlgebra
# import Cantera
ct = pyimport("cantera")
# create a gas
gas = ct.Solution("h2o2.yaml")
# Initial condition
P = ct.one_atm
gas.TPX = 1250.0, P, "H2:2,O2:1,N2:4"
u0 = [gas.T; gas.Y]
function react!(du, u, params, t)
# parameters
P = params
# set state
gas.TPY = u[1], P, u[2:end]
# State vector is [T, Y_1, Y_2, ... Y_K]
gas.TP = u[1], P
rho = gas.density
wdot = gas.net_production_rates
dTdt = - ( dot(gas.partial_molar_enthalpies, wdot) /
(rho * gas.cp))
dYdt = wdot .* gas.molecular_weights / rho
du = [dTdt; dYdt]
tspan = (0.0, 1e-3)
params = P
prob = ODEProblem(react!, u0, tspan, params)
sol = solve(prob, Rodas5(autodiff=false), abstol = 1e-12, reltol = 1e-12)
This code will run, but produces zero change in concentrations of reactants. Any help is highly appreciated.