I am writing a Julia script for a scientific experiment and I want to put a time limit in calls made by the script. To solve this I tried to use this small package from @ararslan. The package works by creating a new worker process that will execute the call, while the main process will be pooling the channel associated to the remote call to check if it has finished, and will interrupt it if it is not finished by the time limit. However, it seems to not be working for me, and I reduced it to a MWE that I do not understand why it is not working. Maybe it is something basic, but I am not well versed in distributed computing.
import Distributed
Distributed.@everywhere function f()
return 42
function ptimeout(f::Function, secs::Real; worker=1, poll=0.5, verbose=true)
channel = Channel(1)
@async begin
println("start of @async block")
value = remotecall_fetch(f, worker)
println("remotecall_fetch returned")
put!(channel, value)
println("end of @async block")
println("passed the @async")
() -> (status = isready(channel); @show status; status),
float(secs), pollint=float(poll)
isready(channel) && return true
verbose && @warn "Time limit for computation exceeded."
println("reached ptimeout end")
function main()
worker_id = only(Distributed.addprocs(1))
@show ptimeout(f, 10; worker = worker_id)
passed the @async
status = false
start of @async block
status = false
status = false
status = false
status = false
┌ Warning: Time limit for computation exceeded.
└ @ Main ~/AreaDeTrabalho/mwe_timeout/mwe_timeout.jl:22
So, why my call to Distributed.remotecall_fetch
never returns, if the function I called is so simple that it just returns a constant value?
One-time bump (not sure if this is discouraged here or not).
If someone have at least a hypothesis about why it blocks at that point I would be happy to know. Or if someone can run the code in their machine and confirm I am not going insane. I am really out of ideas of what to test next.
There’s a really simple mistake in your example but unfortunately you never get a useful error message to help you track it down. The problem is that your function f is not defined on the worker you try to run it on. You run
Distributed.@everywhere function f()
return 42
at the top of your script but then start a new worker later on in the main function. You then try to run f
on the new worker. When you run something with @everywhere
it only runs it on the worker processes that are currently running. Julia doesn’t keep track of previous uses of @everywhere
and automatically run them when new worker processes are started.
If you change your example to
using Distributed
Distributed.@everywhere function f()
return 42
function main()
@show ptimeout(f, 10; worker = 2)
then the example works for me.
Having said all that, I’m not sure why you don’t see an error printed to the screen about the function not being defined.
I am very thankful for your help. I did find the bug with your help, but it was not just what you pointed out, XD.
I changed to
import Distributed
const worker_id = only(Distributed.addprocs(1))
Distributed.@everywhere function f()
return 42
... # ptimeout definition is the same
function main()
@show ptimeout(f, 10; worker = worker_id)
and the same problem kept happening to me. Then I wrapped the @async
and the timedwait
in a @sync
and started getting the exceptions (that ended up latent in the Task
created by @async
and never @sync
’ed). The problem was not only that I should use @everywhere
after creating the new process, but that as I used just import Distributed
I should have written Distributed.remotecall_fetch(f, worker)
inside ptimout
not just remotecall_fetch
. It was a incredibly rookie mistake, I was just bitten by the fact I was not aware I needed to @sync
to see the exceptions bubble up.