Hello! I am trying to solve a Project Euler problem (#193) to get the squarefree integers less than the large number 2^50. I normally wouldn’t just post the code here directly because of spoilers for the problem except I keep getting the wrong answer in base Julia and in Pluto.jl
using Primes
limit193 = Int64(2)^50-1
sqrt193 = Int64(2)^25-1
function mobius(max_n)
res = ones(Int8, max_n)
for p in primes(floor(Int32, sqrt(Int64(max_n))))
for i = p*p:p*p:max_n
res[i] = 0
for i = p:p:max_n
res[i] *= -1
m25 = mobius(Int64(2)^25)
sum(m25[k]*limit193÷k^2 for k = 1:sqrt193)
This last line returns 684489637771331 which is not the correct answer (except in the first few digits, which may or may not be a factor). I am summing 33 million positive and negative integers here so maybe I’m hitting some sort of limitation, but I can’t figure out what. Do you guys have any ideas?
I hate figuring out integer overflows, so try sum(m25[k]*limit193÷k^2 for k = 1:sqrt193; init=BigInt(0) and see if you’re lucky enough to get a verified answer. I would try this after you figure out the mobius implementation concern JM_Beckers raised.
Aw heck. That’s probably it. Is it okay etiquette if I delete this thread since it’s just a bug on my own part but also it’s a spoiler for a Project Euler problem?
EDIT: Yeah it was the mobius function. Thanks guys!
EDIT 2: Gonna leave this thread up because there’s already spoilers elsewhere on the Internet if someone wants to find them. Again, thanks
I was wondering why you wrapped your literals like this: Int64(2), since that’s not normally needed.
Secondly, it’s safer to use isqrt(n) rather than floor(Int, sqrt(n)). I struggled a bit to find an example, but here’s one from an old thread using an Int128: