C++ code much faster than Julia how can I optimize it?

It is not. C++ has different semantics from Julia.
C++ automatically inserts function calls at key points (e.g., when a function receives an argument by value, or when an object leaves scope).
Julia does not.
Thus, by simply defining a few methods in C++, you can automate the memory allocation behavior in any way you like.
But these function calls must be inserted everywhere manually in Julia to replicate the behavior, meaning the only options in Julia are fully manual memory management, or relying on the GC.

For me, 7.7 ms or 0.169365/0.007689 = 22x faster!, so since the original C++ code was “almost 9 times faster” I assume it’s now 2.4x slower, so I advise the thread be solved with your solution! I still think maybe it could be made faster with alternative vector (also in C++), and now I’m thinking what’s wrong with the C++ code… but I’m not going to spend time on that!

I’m not sure maybe this was just an exercise for the new Julia user, he forked some C++ code from a Python project. I think it’s fair game to use code people have helped with on discourse (should give you credit), and if it’s better than Julia clustering packages, hopefully we see it merged into some Julia cluster package.

Why I mentioned bittypes. In Julia you can use manual memory management, or if calling C or C++, code using it indirectly, and then no issue with the GC, since it’s bypassed (for vectors of e.g. integers).

I don’t know how Julis’s GC scans stackframes, but I believe it can and does conservatively (at least in some cases, to call C code), so ok if some integers look like pointers.


Ah, that one I didn’t notice. That’s clearly a major source of cycle spending.

So, @Adegasel, whereas in many languages, type-annotation of function arguments is important, that’s not the case in Julia. Unless you have functions with the same name but with different arguments, you need not annotate with types. On the other hand, type annotation in structs is extremely important for performance.

The Array{Float32} is an abstract type, it can hold a vector (an Array{Float32, 1}), a matrix (an Array{Float32, 2}), or a higher dimensional array. All that is known to the compiler when calc is compiled is that cc holds some kind of arrays of Float32. It has to figure out at runtime, every time cc.cumsum/cc.cumsum2 is accessed, the dimension of the array, and figure out the right indexing method for this kind of array.


There’s a bunch of side talk about GCs and other more or less random stuff unrelated to the problem at hand here. As almost always, the solution is just to write completely normal Julia code that follows the performance guide as shown in C++ code much faster than Julia how can I optimize it? - #20 by pabloferz. I would suggest the other discussion gets moved to its own thread since it is quite distracting and irrelevant.


Removing all use of push! and nearly all allocations in the inner loops shaves this down to 3ms for me from 5 for the version of @pabloferz.


Edit: somehow this wasn’t the right code. But the one below is.


And using a Vector{Int32} instead of a Dict gets it down to 2.1 seconds. So probably >5x faster than the C++?

Kmeans1d no Dict
module Kmeans1D

function smawk!(result, rows, cols, allocs, lookup, k)
    length(rows) == 0 && return result

    (; cols_alloc, odd_rows, col_idx_lookup) = allocs[1]
    ## REDUCE
    ncols = 0
    @inbounds for col in cols
        while true
            ncols == 0 && break
            row = rows[ncols]
            if lookup(k, row, col) >= lookup(k, row, cols_alloc[ncols])
            ncols -= 1
        if ncols < length(rows)
            ncols += 1
            cols_alloc[ncols] = col
    _cols = view(cols_alloc, Base.OneTo(ncols))

    # Call recursively on odd-indexed rows
    @inbounds for i in 2:2:length(rows)
        odd_rows[i >> 1] = rows[i]

    smawk!(result, odd_rows, _cols, view(allocs, 2:lastindex(allocs)), lookup, k)

    @inbounds for idx in 1:ncols
        col_idx_lookup[_cols[idx]] = idx


    # Fill-in even-indexed rows
    start = 1
    @inbounds for r in 1:2:length(rows)
        row = rows[r]
        stop = length(_cols) - 1
        if r < (length(rows) - 1)
            stop = col_idx_lookup[result[rows[r + 1]]]
        argmin = _cols[start]
        min = lookup(k, row, argmin)
        for c in start+1:stop+1
            value = lookup(k, row, _cols[c])
            if (c == start) || (value < min)
                argmin = _cols[c]
                min = value
        result[row] = argmin
        start = stop

    return result

struct CostCalculator

    function CostCalculator(array, n::Integer)
        cumsum = zeros(n+1)
        cumsum2 = zeros(n+1)
        @inbounds for i in 1:n
            x = array[i]
            cumsum[i+1] = x + cumsum[i]
            cumsum2[i+1] = x * x + cumsum2[i]
        @assert length(cumsum) == length(cumsum2) == n + 1
        return new(cumsum, cumsum2)

function calc(cc::CostCalculator, i, j)
    if j < i
        return zero(eltype(cc.cumsum))

    @inbounds begin
        mu = (cc.cumsum[j + 1] - cc.cumsum[i]) / (j - i + 1)
        result = cc.cumsum2[j + 1] - cc.cumsum2[i]
        result += (j - i + 1) * (mu * mu)
        result -= (2 * mu) * (cc.cumsum[j + 1] - cc.cumsum[i])

    return result

struct LookUp

function (lu::LookUp)(k, i, j)
    col = min(i, j - 1)
    if col == 0
        col = size(lu.D, 2) + col
    return @inbounds lu.D[k - 1, col] + calc(lu.calculator, j, i)

function cluster(array, k)
    n = length(array)
    return cluster(array, n, min(k, n))

function cluster(array, n, k)
    # Sort input array and save info for de-sorting
    sort_idx = sortperm(array)
    undo_sort_lookup = Vector{Int32}(undef, n)
    sorted_array = Vector{Float32}(undef, n)

    @inbounds for i in 1:n
        sorted_array[i] = array[sort_idx[i]]
        undo_sort_lookup[sort_idx[i]] = i

    #Set D and T using dynamic programming algorithm
    cost_calculator = CostCalculator(sorted_array, n)
    D = Matrix{Float32}(undef, k, n)
    T = Matrix{Int32}(undef, k, n)
    lookup = LookUp(cost_calculator, D)

    @inbounds for i in 1:n
        D[1, i] = calc(cost_calculator, 1, i)
        T[1, i] = 1

    row_argmins = Vector{Int32}(undef, n)
    rows = Int32.(1:n)
    cols = Int32.(1:n)
    allocs = NamedTuple{(:odd_rows,:cols_alloc,:col_idx_lookup),Tuple{Vector{Int32},Vector{Int32},Vector{Int32}}}[]
    l = length(rows)
    while true 
        l == 0 && break
        odd_rows = Vector{Int32}(2:2:l)
        cols_alloc = zeros(Int32, l)
        col_idx_lookup = Vector{Int32}(undef, length(rows))
        push!(allocs, (; odd_rows, cols_alloc, col_idx_lookup))
        l ÷= 2

    for k_ in 2:k
        smawk!(row_argmins, rows, cols, allocs, lookup, k_)
        @inbounds for i in 1:n
            argmin = row_argmins[i]
            min = lookup(k_, i, argmin)
            D[k_, i] = min
            T[k_, i] = argmin

    #Extract cluster assignments by backtracking
    centroids = zeros(k)
    sorted_clusters = Vector{Int32}(undef, n)
    t = n + 1
    k_ = k
    n_ = n

    @inbounds while t > 1
        t_ = t
        t = T[k_, n_]
        centroid = 0.0
        for i in t:t_-1
            sorted_clusters[i] = k_
            centroid += (sorted_array[i] - centroid) / (i - t + 1)
        centroids[k_] = centroid
        k_ -= 1
        n_ = t - 1

    clusters = Vector{Int32}(undef, n)
    @inbounds for i in 1:n
        clusters[i] = sorted_clusters[undo_sort_lookup[i]]

    return centroids, clusters

end  # module


I’m seeing lots of @inbounds for i in 1:n without any type restriction on the array type which seems unsafe.

Sure, feel free to add a one-based indexing check at the start, or a conversion step?

But mostly those loops are on Vector defined in the code, independent of the original type.

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I don’t see how you can comfortably add @inbounds to something like this. I would not recommend @inbounds at all, except in tightly controlled situations.

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This mostly isn’t my code, I just stuck with @pabloferz mostly putting @inbounds everywhere (or how would you see the comparative improvment of removing allocations?). And these acutaly are tightly controlled conditions. All of those objects are allocated and assigned to internally.

Everyone is free to post their own versions here too :wink:

(You can remove them all for a time of 2.8 seconds, which is still pretty good. But it seems the algorithm is fine because there are no errors doing this.)


Just commenting on your comment to the comment about the code :wink:

With triply nested indexing, you need a pretty steady hand to ensure nothing goes out of bounds. Seems risky with regular Arrays, let alone general indexable collections.

They’re not generally indexable collections, they’re basically all internally allocated Vector and ranges, except at the outermost level at the start.


I don’t understand why you’re doubling down on this, instead of acknowledging that this is a bad use of @inbounds even with regular Arrays. It’s a triply nested index! There’s a zillion ways to mess that up. I would never use @inbounds in my own code for that.

Because this is a performance comparison with C++ ?

(and like I said, feel free to post your version, I even timed it and said it was fine, above. I’m just trying to make this run fast and have a little fun here ?)


I don’t have my own version to post, and even if I did, posting it wouldn’t help warn against dangerous practices.

I do think there’s a reckless culture surrounding the use of @inbounds, and that’s what I’m reacting to. But since you seem to fundamentally disagree, I’ll give up the back-and-forth.

I think the original idea with using it is to make this a fair fight with C++, which doesn’t have inbounds bounds checking.

It’s great that you encourage not using inbounds, and I fully agree it should mostly not be used. But in a performance comparison with C++, not using @inbounds is giving ourselves an unnecessary handicap. Here, its 25% slower.


There is no need to collect these ranges, as far as I can see, is there?

Good catch, that function isn’t actually used anymore, only the in place version where I don’t use collect. I’ll edit the code.

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…unless you use eachindex, which you don’t seem to use at all.

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This isn’t actally my code, again… I’m just removing the allocations in the code higher up to make it faster, not fixing everything.

In some cases we a looping over a step range, so cant use eachindex. But in others, totally eachindex can be used, please post a version with that…

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