Building Julia from source on WSL2 - Ubuntu

I’ve tried to build Julia v1.9.2 from source following the instructions on Github on WSL2 - Ubuntu.
I’m able to build the executable:

$ make

but when I run

$ make testall

the process fails with summary:

Test Summary:                                     |     Pass  Error  Broken     Total      Time
  Overall                                         | 28473073      4   25056  28498133  28m07.3s
    LinearAlgebra/structuredbroadcast             |      670                      670   1m26.6s
    LinearAlgebra/blas                            |     1630                     1630   2m17.8s
    LinearAlgebra/hessenberg                      |      632                      632   2m35.6s
    LinearAlgebra/svd                             |      606                      606   2m48.0s
    LinearAlgebra/uniformscaling                  |      446                      446   2m50.8s
    LinearAlgebra/qr                              |     4705                     4705   3m44.6s
    LinearAlgebra/adjtrans                        |      475                      475   1m00.8s
    LinearAlgebra/lapack                          |      803                      803   1m17.7s
    LinearAlgebra/tridiag                         |     1601                     1601   1m50.9s
    LinearAlgebra/lu                              |     1380                     1380   4m28.3s
    LinearAlgebra/givens                          |     1991                     1991     21.7s
    LinearAlgebra/cholesky                        |     2511                     2511   4m31.2s
    LinearAlgebra/ldlt                            |        8                        8      1.9s
    LinearAlgebra/factorization                   |       80             16        96      7.6s
    LinearAlgebra/eigen                           |      951                      951   3m11.6s
    ambiguous                                     |      108              2       110      8.6s
    compiler/datastructures                       |      294                      294      5.0s
    compiler/validation                           |       28                       28      0.9s
    compiler/effects                              |      556              1       557      3.7s
    LinearAlgebra/lq                              |     3098                     3098   1m59.8s
    LinearAlgebra/pinv                            |      500                      500     21.8s
    compiler/irpasses                             |      249              4       253      9.9s
    compiler/contextual                           |       12                       12      4.8s
    compiler/ssair                                |      135                      135     17.4s
    compiler/inline                               |      268              3       271     13.5s
    LinearAlgebra/schur                           |      496                      496   1m13.6s
    compiler/inference                            |     1263              4      1267     28.4s
    LinearAlgebra/generic                         |      644              1       645   1m22.3s
    compiler/codegen                              |      183                      183     19.2s
    strings/search                                |      876                      876     10.6s
    strings/io                                    |    12764                    12764      6.6s
    strings/basic                                 |    87696                    87696     17.5s
    unicode/utf8                                  |       19                       19      0.2s
    compiler/EscapeAnalysis/interprocedural       |       32              4        36     22.9s
    strings/types                                 |  2302691                  2302691      5.9s
    strings/util                                  |     1152                     1152     25.8s
    compiler/EscapeAnalysis/local                 |      347             21       368     32.7s
    keywordargs                                   |      154                      154      3.9s
    LinearAlgebra/bunchkaufman                    |     5689                     5689   1m44.3s
    worlds                                        |      103                      103     12.6s
    triplequote                                   |       29                       29      0.1s
    char                                          |     1639                     1639      4.7s
    intrinsics                                    |      364                      364      7.2s
    compiler/AbstractInterpreter                  |       24                       24     50.3s
    iobuffer                                      |      209                      209      3.1s
    staged                                        |       67                       67      6.2s
    atomics                                       |     3448                     3448     39.1s
    subtype                                       |   337952             42    337994     43.2s
    hashing                                       |    14436                    14436     39.1s
    dict                                          |   144450                   144450     58.8s
    tuple                                         |      670                      670     22.0s
    reduce                                        |     8598                     8598     44.3s
    intfuncs                                      |   227917                   227917     20.1s
    offsetarray                                   |      513              3       516   1m32.9s
    simdloop                                      |      240                      240      4.0s
    vecelement                                    |      678                      678     14.9s
    LinearAlgebra/special                         |     3008                     3008   7m49.7s
    copy                                          |      556                      556      7.8s
    LinearAlgebra/bidiag                          |     4792                     4792   8m07.1s
    numbers                                       |  1584929              1   1584930   2m44.7s
    fastmath                                      |      946                      946     17.9s
    core                                          |  8445963              3   8445966   3m01.8s
    functional                                    |       98                       98     14.7s
    rational                                      |    98695              2     98697   1m01.9s
    path                                          |      373             12       385      3.0s
    operators                                     |    13055                    13055     19.8s
    ordering                                      |       37                       37     13.7s
    parse                                         |    16098                    16098      8.8s
    gmp                                           |     2445                     2445     11.9s
    reducedim                                     |     1225              6      1231   2m55.6s
    spawn                                         |      242              4       246     35.2s
    math                                          |  1909858                  1909858   2m15.2s
    backtrace                                     |       39              1        40      3.4s
    exceptions                                    |       70                       70      2.8s
    arrayops                                      |     2122              5      2127   4m06.5s
    version                                       |     2453                     2453      2.3s
    namedtuple                                    |      218                      218      6.2s
    file                                          |     1072                     1072     16.5s
    LinearAlgebra/dense                           |     8561                     8561  10m45.7s
    LinearAlgebra/diagonal                        |               1                 1  10m58.7s
    loading                                       |   140378                   140378   2m12.8s
    floatapprox                                   |       49                       49      4.2s
    read                                          |     3812                     3812     52.9s
    mpfr                                          |     1137              1      1138     45.8s
    regex                                         |      142                      142      6.7s
    sysinfo                                       |        4                        4      0.4s
    env                                           |       76                       76      1.1s
    complex                                       |     8480              2      8482     30.6s
    reflection                                    |      434                      434     12.7s
    mod2pi                                        |       80                       80      0.6s
    float16                                       |   762093                   762093     11.4s
    euler                                         |       12                       12      2.6s
    combinatorics                                 |      170                      170     14.6s
    client                                        |        5                        5      4.3s
    rounding                                      |   150016                   150016     11.6s
    goto                                          |       19                       19      0.3s
    llvmcall                                      |       20                       20      1.6s
    llvmcall2                                     |       20                       20      0.3s
    ryu                                           |    31217                    31217      2.8s
    some                                          |       72                       72      1.8s
    abstractarray                                 |    55663          24806     80469   4m51.9s
    meta                                          |       69                       69      3.4s
    stacktraces                                   |       48                       48     13.7s
    docs                                          |      239                      239     10.6s
    errorshow                                     |      249                      249     24.6s
    iterators                                     |    86616                    86616   3m29.0s
    binaryplatforms                               |      341                      341     11.2s
    enums                                         |      102                      102      9.2s
    atexit                                        |       68                       68     26.1s
    interpreter                                   |        3                        3      1.5s
    ccall                                         |     5400                     5400   3m40.5s
    int                                           |   736188                   736188     22.7s
    bitset                                        |      200                      200      9.9s
    sets                                          |     3644              1      3645   1m11.4s
    error                                         |       83                       83      6.2s
    ranges                                        |               1                 1   1m32.2s
    show                                          |   128982              8    128990   1m28.7s
    checked                                       |     1239                     1239     33.7s
    osutils                                       |     1000                     1000      2.1s
    boundscheck                                   |                              None     21.8s
    iostream                                      |       50                       50      3.2s
    specificity                                   |      175                      175      0.3s
    secretbuffer                                  |       30                       30      4.1s
    cartesian                                     |      349              3       352     18.1s
    corelogging                                   |      235                      235     10.6s
    broadcast                                     |      526                      526   2m36.1s
    smallarrayshrink                              |       36                       36      1.8s
    opaque_closure                                |       68              1        69      3.1s
    filesystem                                    |        6                        6      0.8s
    syntax                                        |     1679              1      1680     19.7s
    SparseArrays/allowscalar                      |        9                        9      0.8s
    misc                                          |  1282251                  1282251   1m31.1s
    SparseArrays/ambiguous                        |        1                        1      6.7s
    asyncmap                                      |      307                      307     21.0s
    bitarray                                      |   940200              8    940208   5m43.9s
    channels                                      |      259                      259     44.9s
    LinearAlgebra/symmetric                       |     2853                     2853  13m35.4s
    SparseArrays/fixed                            |       58                       58     16.4s
    reinterpretarray                              |      421                      421     46.3s
    download                                      |                              None     31.8s
    missing                                       |      574              1       575     54.2s
    LinearAlgebra/matmul                          |     1496                     1496  14m09.2s
    subarray                                      |   459022                   459022   9m24.1s
    sorting                                       |               1                 1   5m30.9s
    LibGit2/online                                |       10                       10      9.4s
    SparseArrays/spqr                             |       98                       98     44.4s
    Dates/accessors                               |  7723858                  7723858     11.8s
    Dates/query                                   |     1004                     1004      2.4s
    Dates/adjusters                               |     3149                     3149     14.0s
    SparseArrays/linalg_solvers                   |      364                      364   1m26.8s
    Dates/rounding                                |      315                      315      6.6s
    Dates/types                                   |      232                      232      4.2s
    SparseArrays/cholmod                          |      612                      612   1m56.4s
    Dates/periods                                 |      953                      953     34.9s
    Dates/arithmetic                              |      385                      385     14.9s
    Dates/conversions                             |      160                      160      2.1s
    Dates/ranges                                  |   350639                   350639     34.9s
    Base64                                        |     2031                     2031      4.8s
    Artifacts                                     |     1453                     1453      7.7s
    CompilerSupportLibraries_jll                  |        4                        4      1.3s
    CRC32c                                        |      664                      664      1.8s
    Dates/io                                      |      361                      361     30.9s
    ArgTools                                      |      180                      180     14.3s
    Future                                        |                              None      0.0s
    GMP_jll                                       |        1                        1      2.2s
    DelimitedFiles                                |       89                       89     12.5s
    LLD_jll                                       |        2                        2      0.9s
    LLVMLibUnwind_jll                             |                              None      0.8s
    LibGit2/libgit2                               |               1                 1   1m20.5s
    LazyArtifacts                                 |        4                        4      7.7s
    LibCURL                                       |        6                        6      2.0s
    LibCURL_jll                                   |        1                        1      0.1s
    SparseArrays/sparsematrix_ops                 |      675                      675   2m24.8s
    LibSSH2_jll                                   |                              None      1.5s
    LibGit2_jll                                   |        2                        2      3.2s
    LibUV_jll                                     |        1                        1      0.9s
    LibUnwind_jll                                 |        1                        1      0.8s
    MPFR_jll                                      |        1                        1      0.7s
    SparseArrays/umfpack                          |      345                      345   2m01.3s
    MbedTLS_jll                                   |        1                        1      0.4s
    Logging                                       |       40                       40      2.9s
    MozillaCACerts_jll                            |        1                        1      0.0s
    Libdl                                         |       79              1        80      4.1s
    OpenBLAS_jll                                  |        1                        1      0.1s
    OpenLibm_jll                                  |        1                        1      1.0s
    NetworkOptions                                |     3518                     3518      2.4s
    PCRE2_jll                                     |        7                        7      0.8s
    SparseArrays/issues                           |      349                      349   2m42.9s
    Markdown                                      |      257                      257     11.7s
    floatfuncs                                    |      232                      232   3m59.8s
    InteractiveUtils                              |      301                      301     42.3s
    Printf                                        |     1017                     1017     28.4s
    Mmap                                          |      140                      140     35.1s
    Serialization                                 |      131              1       132     14.5s
    SparseArrays/linalg                           |     4631                     4631   3m28.8s
    SuiteSparse                                   |                              None      1.3s
    SuiteSparse_jll                               |        1                        1      0.8s
    Sockets                                       |      173                      173     29.9s
    REPL                                          |     1583              3      1586   1m03.2s
    Downloads                                     |      238                      238   1m52.2s
    UUIDs                                         |     1029                     1029      0.7s
    TOML                                          |      582             45       627     33.7s
    Zlib_jll                                      |        1                        1      0.8s
    dSFMT_jll                                     |        1                        1      0.7s
    libLLVM_jll                                   |        1                        1      0.7s
    libblastrampoline_jll                         |        1                        1      0.0s
    nghttp2_jll                                   |        1                        1      0.1s
    p7zip_jll                                     |        1                        1      0.0s
    Unicode                                       |      795                      795      9.5s
    SparseArrays/higherorderfns                   |     7172              1      7173   4m17.3s
    Tar                                           |     3227             11      3238     46.0s
    SHA                                           |      107                      107   1m38.7s
    FileWatching                                  |      681                      681   2m25.3s
    cmdlineargs                                   |      275              5       280   6m16.0s
    Random                                        |   204840                   204840   2m03.7s
    Test                                          |      458             17       475   1m06.1s
    Statistics                                    |      810                      810   1m56.5s
    SparseArrays/sparsematrix_constructors_indexing |     1915                     1915   5m16.6s
    LinearAlgebra/triangular                      |    37908                    37908  20m06.8s
    Profile                                       |      116                      116   3m56.6s
    SparseArrays/sparsevector                     |    10509              4     10513   6m29.4s
    LinearAlgebra/addmul                          |    13644                    13644  24m00.1s
    Pkg                                           |     3258              1      3259  11m53.0s
    precompile                                    |      228                      228     41.6s
    SharedArrays                                  |      118                      118     23.0s
    threads                                       |       51                       51   1m47.3s
    Distributed                                   |       15                       15   3m17.8s
    stress                                        |      118                      118     11.3s

I’ll post error-messages if needed :slight_smile:

PS - I’ve been trying to build binaries for Windows on MSYS2 which also have failed. And I’ve tried to build for Linux on a VM VirtualBox Ubuntu 22.4. The VirtualBox attempt resulted in a successfull make but the make testall still failed there as well.

Why are you building from source? That should be possible, but I’m not aware you need to build for WSL2 (or on WSL2). You can just use the Linux binaries on WSL2 in Windows, right?

The reason I’m building from source is for practice as I think it’s an important skill to master working with software. And once I’ve started I get a little obsessed… :see_no_evil:

I’m getting a lot of exceptions related to this file: stdlib/v1.9/Distributed/src/remotecall.jl. I also get some TCPSocket related issues. I’m beginning to think that Norton Antivirus is messing with me…

I use WSL2 as well, and I build from source. I hadn’t ever run the tests, but I also get errors in make testall. I haven’t noticed failures in my own code - but my tests aren’t very probing, or even cover very much yet.

I gather from the errors, that it might mean that WSL2 is technically a “tier 2” platform?


Note, that Julia on WSL2 is known to not work as well in all cases (that’s an upstream issue), and harder too look for since there’s no specific WSL label:

I believe Julia on WSL2 is in some case better though, for I/O too, since WSL2 is faster for I/O in than regular Windows.

I believe people want Julia to work fully on WSL2, though its less of a priority. WSL2 doesn’t officially have any tier, but it seems tier 2 would be most correct. I understand it works for a lot of things. It seems (the errors for e.g.) ranges (and sorting) is very fundamental, not sure why it’s failing (false alarm?), while e.g. LinearAlgebra/diagonal may not be used by as many users.