I’ve tried to build Julia v1.9.2 from source following the instructions on Github on WSL2 - Ubuntu.
I’m able to build the executable:
$ make
but when I run
$ make testall
the process fails with summary:
Test Summary: | Pass Error Broken Total Time
Overall | 28473073 4 25056 28498133 28m07.3s
LinearAlgebra/structuredbroadcast | 670 670 1m26.6s
LinearAlgebra/blas | 1630 1630 2m17.8s
LinearAlgebra/hessenberg | 632 632 2m35.6s
LinearAlgebra/svd | 606 606 2m48.0s
LinearAlgebra/uniformscaling | 446 446 2m50.8s
LinearAlgebra/qr | 4705 4705 3m44.6s
LinearAlgebra/adjtrans | 475 475 1m00.8s
LinearAlgebra/lapack | 803 803 1m17.7s
LinearAlgebra/tridiag | 1601 1601 1m50.9s
LinearAlgebra/lu | 1380 1380 4m28.3s
LinearAlgebra/givens | 1991 1991 21.7s
LinearAlgebra/cholesky | 2511 2511 4m31.2s
LinearAlgebra/ldlt | 8 8 1.9s
LinearAlgebra/factorization | 80 16 96 7.6s
LinearAlgebra/eigen | 951 951 3m11.6s
ambiguous | 108 2 110 8.6s
compiler/datastructures | 294 294 5.0s
compiler/validation | 28 28 0.9s
compiler/effects | 556 1 557 3.7s
LinearAlgebra/lq | 3098 3098 1m59.8s
LinearAlgebra/pinv | 500 500 21.8s
compiler/irpasses | 249 4 253 9.9s
compiler/contextual | 12 12 4.8s
compiler/ssair | 135 135 17.4s
compiler/inline | 268 3 271 13.5s
LinearAlgebra/schur | 496 496 1m13.6s
compiler/inference | 1263 4 1267 28.4s
LinearAlgebra/generic | 644 1 645 1m22.3s
compiler/codegen | 183 183 19.2s
strings/search | 876 876 10.6s
strings/io | 12764 12764 6.6s
strings/basic | 87696 87696 17.5s
unicode/utf8 | 19 19 0.2s
compiler/EscapeAnalysis/interprocedural | 32 4 36 22.9s
strings/types | 2302691 2302691 5.9s
strings/util | 1152 1152 25.8s
compiler/EscapeAnalysis/local | 347 21 368 32.7s
keywordargs | 154 154 3.9s
LinearAlgebra/bunchkaufman | 5689 5689 1m44.3s
worlds | 103 103 12.6s
triplequote | 29 29 0.1s
char | 1639 1639 4.7s
intrinsics | 364 364 7.2s
compiler/AbstractInterpreter | 24 24 50.3s
iobuffer | 209 209 3.1s
staged | 67 67 6.2s
atomics | 3448 3448 39.1s
subtype | 337952 42 337994 43.2s
hashing | 14436 14436 39.1s
dict | 144450 144450 58.8s
tuple | 670 670 22.0s
reduce | 8598 8598 44.3s
intfuncs | 227917 227917 20.1s
offsetarray | 513 3 516 1m32.9s
simdloop | 240 240 4.0s
vecelement | 678 678 14.9s
LinearAlgebra/special | 3008 3008 7m49.7s
copy | 556 556 7.8s
LinearAlgebra/bidiag | 4792 4792 8m07.1s
numbers | 1584929 1 1584930 2m44.7s
fastmath | 946 946 17.9s
core | 8445963 3 8445966 3m01.8s
functional | 98 98 14.7s
rational | 98695 2 98697 1m01.9s
path | 373 12 385 3.0s
operators | 13055 13055 19.8s
ordering | 37 37 13.7s
parse | 16098 16098 8.8s
gmp | 2445 2445 11.9s
reducedim | 1225 6 1231 2m55.6s
spawn | 242 4 246 35.2s
math | 1909858 1909858 2m15.2s
backtrace | 39 1 40 3.4s
exceptions | 70 70 2.8s
arrayops | 2122 5 2127 4m06.5s
version | 2453 2453 2.3s
namedtuple | 218 218 6.2s
file | 1072 1072 16.5s
LinearAlgebra/dense | 8561 8561 10m45.7s
LinearAlgebra/diagonal | 1 1 10m58.7s
loading | 140378 140378 2m12.8s
floatapprox | 49 49 4.2s
read | 3812 3812 52.9s
mpfr | 1137 1 1138 45.8s
regex | 142 142 6.7s
sysinfo | 4 4 0.4s
env | 76 76 1.1s
complex | 8480 2 8482 30.6s
reflection | 434 434 12.7s
mod2pi | 80 80 0.6s
float16 | 762093 762093 11.4s
euler | 12 12 2.6s
combinatorics | 170 170 14.6s
client | 5 5 4.3s
rounding | 150016 150016 11.6s
goto | 19 19 0.3s
llvmcall | 20 20 1.6s
llvmcall2 | 20 20 0.3s
ryu | 31217 31217 2.8s
some | 72 72 1.8s
abstractarray | 55663 24806 80469 4m51.9s
meta | 69 69 3.4s
stacktraces | 48 48 13.7s
docs | 239 239 10.6s
errorshow | 249 249 24.6s
iterators | 86616 86616 3m29.0s
binaryplatforms | 341 341 11.2s
enums | 102 102 9.2s
atexit | 68 68 26.1s
interpreter | 3 3 1.5s
ccall | 5400 5400 3m40.5s
int | 736188 736188 22.7s
bitset | 200 200 9.9s
sets | 3644 1 3645 1m11.4s
error | 83 83 6.2s
ranges | 1 1 1m32.2s
show | 128982 8 128990 1m28.7s
checked | 1239 1239 33.7s
osutils | 1000 1000 2.1s
boundscheck | None 21.8s
iostream | 50 50 3.2s
specificity | 175 175 0.3s
secretbuffer | 30 30 4.1s
cartesian | 349 3 352 18.1s
corelogging | 235 235 10.6s
broadcast | 526 526 2m36.1s
smallarrayshrink | 36 36 1.8s
opaque_closure | 68 1 69 3.1s
filesystem | 6 6 0.8s
syntax | 1679 1 1680 19.7s
SparseArrays/allowscalar | 9 9 0.8s
misc | 1282251 1282251 1m31.1s
SparseArrays/ambiguous | 1 1 6.7s
asyncmap | 307 307 21.0s
bitarray | 940200 8 940208 5m43.9s
channels | 259 259 44.9s
LinearAlgebra/symmetric | 2853 2853 13m35.4s
SparseArrays/fixed | 58 58 16.4s
reinterpretarray | 421 421 46.3s
download | None 31.8s
missing | 574 1 575 54.2s
LinearAlgebra/matmul | 1496 1496 14m09.2s
subarray | 459022 459022 9m24.1s
sorting | 1 1 5m30.9s
LibGit2/online | 10 10 9.4s
SparseArrays/spqr | 98 98 44.4s
Dates/accessors | 7723858 7723858 11.8s
Dates/query | 1004 1004 2.4s
Dates/adjusters | 3149 3149 14.0s
SparseArrays/linalg_solvers | 364 364 1m26.8s
Dates/rounding | 315 315 6.6s
Dates/types | 232 232 4.2s
SparseArrays/cholmod | 612 612 1m56.4s
Dates/periods | 953 953 34.9s
Dates/arithmetic | 385 385 14.9s
Dates/conversions | 160 160 2.1s
Dates/ranges | 350639 350639 34.9s
Base64 | 2031 2031 4.8s
Artifacts | 1453 1453 7.7s
CompilerSupportLibraries_jll | 4 4 1.3s
CRC32c | 664 664 1.8s
Dates/io | 361 361 30.9s
ArgTools | 180 180 14.3s
Future | None 0.0s
GMP_jll | 1 1 2.2s
DelimitedFiles | 89 89 12.5s
LLD_jll | 2 2 0.9s
LLVMLibUnwind_jll | None 0.8s
LibGit2/libgit2 | 1 1 1m20.5s
LazyArtifacts | 4 4 7.7s
LibCURL | 6 6 2.0s
LibCURL_jll | 1 1 0.1s
SparseArrays/sparsematrix_ops | 675 675 2m24.8s
LibSSH2_jll | None 1.5s
LibGit2_jll | 2 2 3.2s
LibUV_jll | 1 1 0.9s
LibUnwind_jll | 1 1 0.8s
MPFR_jll | 1 1 0.7s
SparseArrays/umfpack | 345 345 2m01.3s
MbedTLS_jll | 1 1 0.4s
Logging | 40 40 2.9s
MozillaCACerts_jll | 1 1 0.0s
Libdl | 79 1 80 4.1s
OpenBLAS_jll | 1 1 0.1s
OpenLibm_jll | 1 1 1.0s
NetworkOptions | 3518 3518 2.4s
PCRE2_jll | 7 7 0.8s
SparseArrays/issues | 349 349 2m42.9s
Markdown | 257 257 11.7s
floatfuncs | 232 232 3m59.8s
InteractiveUtils | 301 301 42.3s
Printf | 1017 1017 28.4s
Mmap | 140 140 35.1s
Serialization | 131 1 132 14.5s
SparseArrays/linalg | 4631 4631 3m28.8s
SuiteSparse | None 1.3s
SuiteSparse_jll | 1 1 0.8s
Sockets | 173 173 29.9s
REPL | 1583 3 1586 1m03.2s
Downloads | 238 238 1m52.2s
UUIDs | 1029 1029 0.7s
TOML | 582 45 627 33.7s
Zlib_jll | 1 1 0.8s
dSFMT_jll | 1 1 0.7s
libLLVM_jll | 1 1 0.7s
libblastrampoline_jll | 1 1 0.0s
nghttp2_jll | 1 1 0.1s
p7zip_jll | 1 1 0.0s
Unicode | 795 795 9.5s
SparseArrays/higherorderfns | 7172 1 7173 4m17.3s
Tar | 3227 11 3238 46.0s
SHA | 107 107 1m38.7s
FileWatching | 681 681 2m25.3s
cmdlineargs | 275 5 280 6m16.0s
Random | 204840 204840 2m03.7s
Test | 458 17 475 1m06.1s
Statistics | 810 810 1m56.5s
SparseArrays/sparsematrix_constructors_indexing | 1915 1915 5m16.6s
LinearAlgebra/triangular | 37908 37908 20m06.8s
Profile | 116 116 3m56.6s
SparseArrays/sparsevector | 10509 4 10513 6m29.4s
LinearAlgebra/addmul | 13644 13644 24m00.1s
Pkg | 3258 1 3259 11m53.0s
precompile | 228 228 41.6s
SharedArrays | 118 118 23.0s
threads | 51 51 1m47.3s
Distributed | 15 15 3m17.8s
stress | 118 118 11.3s
I’ll post error-messages if needed
PS - I’ve been trying to build binaries for Windows on MSYS2 which also have failed. And I’ve tried to build for Linux on a VM VirtualBox Ubuntu 22.4. The VirtualBox attempt resulted in a successfull make
but the make testall
still failed there as well.