I’ve spent many hours trying to figure out why this code misbehaves. First, let’s explain this code (which is an excerpt of my real code, just enough to reproduce the issue).
I’ve a custom type named MyScalar, which is basically an array with shifted indexes, and a type MyVector, meant to be a standard (i.e. no index shifting) array of MyScalar elements.
However, when I try to run it (code below), the output becomes buggy and keeps printing “This is my type” after any other command I execute. Actually, twice per command (because 2 is the length of the MyScalar).
I truly can’t understand what’s happening here!
module MyModule
using Compat, OffsetArrays
export MyScalar, MyVector
struct MyScalar{T} <: AbstractArray{T,1}
endfunction my_show(io::IO, MS::MyScalar)
println(“This is my type!\n”)
endMyScalar{T}(::Type{T}, n::Int, off::Int = 0) = MyScalar(OffsetArray{T}(undef, off:(off+n-1)), n)
MyScalar(n::Int) = MyScalar(Float64, n)
MyScalar{T}(::Type{T}, oa::OffsetArray{T}) = MyScalar(oa, 1 + indices(oa)[1].stop - indices(oa)[1].start)
Base.size(MS::MyScalar) = (MS.dim,)
Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:MyScalar}) = IndexLinear()
Base.similar(MS::MyScalar, ::Type{T}, d::Dims) where {T} = MyScalar(T, d[1])
Base.getindex(MS::MyScalar, i::Int) = MS.data[i]
Base.setindex!(MS::MyScalar, v, i::Int) = (MS.data[i] = v)
Base.show(io::IO, MS::MyScalar) = my_show(io, MS)
Base.indices(MS::MyScalar) = indices(MS.data)struct MyVector <: AbstractArray{MyScalar{Int32}, 1}
endMyVector() = MyVector(Array{MyScalar{Int32},1}(3),3) #arbitrary fixed length
Base.size(MV::MyVector) = (MV.dim,)
Base.getindex(MV::MyVector, i::Int) = MV.data[i]
Base.setindex!(MV::MyVector, v, i::Int) = (MV.data[i] = v)
Example code:
using MyModule
myv = MyVector()
myv[2] = MyScalar(Int32, 2)