@btime does not work properly

I am astonished by how the @btime (BenchmarkTools) macro works (or misworks).

I have the following simple program, which read quotes from the S&P500 index and from Microsoft.

using MarketData, DataFrames, BenchmarkTools

df = DataFrame(Date = Date[])
tickers = ["^GSPC", "MSFT"]

function read_data(df, tickers)
    println("Entering read_data...")
    for ticker in tickers
        df = outerjoin(df, select(DataFrame(yahoo(ticker)), :timestamp => :Date, :AdjClose => ticker), on = :Date)
    df = dropmissing(df)
    sort!(df, :Date)
    println("Exiting read_data...")
    return df

function main1(df, tickers)
    println("Entering main1...")
    df = read_data(df, tickers)
    println(first(df, 5))
    println("Exiting main1...\n")

@btime main1(df, tickers)

If you run it, you will see that read_data is executed 8 times, while it supposed to execute only one.

If, alternatively, I use @time instead of @btime, it executes only one time, which is correct.



I have not found any explanation to this misbehavior. I’m using ver 1.9.2 of Julia

The benchmark tools typically run your code several times and produce statistics on the timings. Best starting place for documentation is the built-in help system. E.g. type ? @btime at the Julia prompt.

The @btime help only hints at the multiple runs, but it points to @benchmark, which gives you the full explanation.

help?> @btime
  @btime expression [other parameters...]

  Similar to the @time macro included with Julia, this executes an expression, printing the time it took to execute and
  the memory allocated before returning the value of the expression.

  Unlike @time, it uses the @benchmark macro, and accepts all of the same additional parameters as @benchmark. The
  printed time is the minimum elapsed time measured during the benchmark.

help?> @benchmark
  @benchmark <expr to benchmark> [setup=<setup expr>]

  Run benchmark on a given expression.


  The simplest usage of this macro is to put it in front of what you want to benchmark.

  julia> @benchmark sin(1)
    memory estimate:  0 bytes
    allocs estimate:  0
    minimum time:     13.610 ns (0.00% GC)
    median time:      13.622 ns (0.00% GC)
    mean time:        13.638 ns (0.00% GC)
    maximum time:     21.084 ns (0.00% GC)
    samples:          10000
    evals/sample:     998

(output truncated)


Understood !

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There are a few handy keywords as well. If you want to force something to run only once you can always do

using BenchmarkTools
@benchmark sin(1) samples=1 evals=1

Or sometimes I’ll have a longer function to test where there not enough trials, so you can set it up to run as many times as it can for a set period of time

@benchmark my_long_running_function($x) seconds=30

I will use both of those examples quite frequently.