I’m trying to get an RNN to work with timeseries and I don’t understand why things don’t work as expected. I found a workaround, but it just seems to be too complicated.
My data are sequences of 29 observations, and I have 210 observations. With the chunk function I got the (29x210) matrix reshaped into a 210-element Array train_x.
X = reshape(rand(29*210), (29,210) train_x = chunk(X, 210)
To get my y in the same shape, I apply chunk there as well: y = chunk(rand(210), 210)
I created an RNN model rnn() = Chain(RNN(29,10), Dense(10,1)) that returns a single value. I can now run this as yhat = m.(train_x)
This outputs a 210-element Array. So far, so good, I think. Now I’m trying to create a MAE loss function. So, yhat .- y works as expected (where I can even ommit the dot). Now I’m trying to apply the abs function. I can understand why abs(yhat .- y) does not work, but I would have expected abs.(yhat.-y) to work. Which it does not…
Well, I can flatten the difference with ..., but that leaves me with abs.([((yhat .- y)...)...]) with is both ugly and unreadable. I’m guessing I’m doing something wrong here, but I dont understand why abs.(yhat.-y) does not work as expected.
Also, I will want to feed this to train! eventually, and I’m not a 100% sure that all these dots will work as expected with the gradients.
can someone explain why abs.(yhat .- y) does not work as expected?
What is the advised way to approach this? Is this approach with all the ... indeed what is necessary, or is there a more elegant way?
To add on to @visr’s comment, you’ll also have to clarify what exactly “does not work as expected” means. Is an error being thrown? Are the outputs not what you expected? The gradients? A minimal working example would be much appreciated
abs.(a-b) works fine, so that is not the problem, so it seems.
The built in MAE loss is exactly what I coded by hand and would expect, eg agg(abs.(ŷ .- y)).
I think the problem lies in the shape: z = [[1], [2], [3]] abs.(z)
doesnt work either. The error message is ERROR: MethodError: no method matching abs(::ARRAY{Int64,1})
So, I guess will need to remove the extra brackets, somehow flattening the array. Still I’m a bit confused why this is happening in the first place.
A minimal working example is this:
using Flux: chunk,
m = Chain(RNN(29,10), Dense(10,1))
X = reshape(rand(29*210), (29,210))
train_x = chunk(X, 210)
ŷ = m.(train_x)
y = chunk(rand(210), 210)
abs.(ŷ .- y)