Say I have an object Foo
for which broadcast is defined
struct Foo{T, V<:AbstractVector{T}}
Foo(data::AbstractVector) = Foo{eltype(data), typeof(data)}(data)
@generated function Base.Broadcast.broadcast!(f, u::Foo, args::Vararg{Any, n}) where {n}
$(Expr(:meta, :inline))
broadcast!(f, unsafe_get(u), map(unsafe_get, args)...)
Base.unsafe_get(u::Foo) =
Say I have two vectors of Foo
s, as in
w = [Foo([1, 2]), Foo([3, 4])]
v = [Foo([2, 3]), Foo([5, 6])]
I would like to have code such that this broadcast operation
w .+= v
works, and gives
w = [Foo([3, 5]), Foo([8, 10])]
with no temporary allocations, because the dot notation is transferred efficiently down a level to Foo
objects. A quick look on github shows that there is an open issue about this, that means it is a known thing.
Has anyone found a good way to express this? Rather than a Vector
of Foo
s, in actual code I have a custom container type wrapping a Vector
so I can optionally define broadcast for this wrapper as well if that is needed.