I keep getting a bounds error and im not sure how to fix it
# Define a function to simulate worker paths
function simulate_worker_paths(solution, a0, y0, T, N)
@unpack kgrid, ygrid, policy_c, policy_k, P = solution
# Find the indices of a0 and y0 in the grids
a0_idx = searchsortedfirst(kgrid, a0)
y0_idx = searchsortedfirst(ygrid, y0)
# Initialize arrays to store the paths
a_paths = zeros(T, N)
y_paths = zeros(T, N)
c_paths = zeros(T, N)
# Set the initial values
a_paths[1, :] .= a0
y_paths[1, :] .= y0
# Simulate the paths
for t in 2:T
# Draw random values for y
z = rand(N)
y_idx = searchsortedfirst(cumsum(P[y0_idx, :]), z)
y_paths[t, :] .= ygrid[y_idx]
# Update asset and consumption paths
for n in 1:N
# Check bounds before accessing elements
if a0_idx > length(kgrid)
a0_idx = length(kgrid)
if y_idx[n] > length(ygrid)
y_idx[n] = length(ygrid)
a_paths[t, n] = kgrid[policy_k[a0_idx, y_idx[n]]]
c_paths[t, n] = policy_c[a0_idx, y_idx[n]]
# Update the indices for the next period
a0_idx = searchsortedfirst(kgrid, a_paths[t, 1]) # Assuming all paths start from the same initial asset level
y0_idx = y_idx
return a_paths, y_paths, c_paths
# Define a function to plot asset, income, and consumption paths
function plot_worker_paths(solution, a0, y0, T, N)
# Simulate worker paths
a_paths, y_paths, c_paths = simulate_worker_paths(solution, a0, y0, T, N)
# Plot the paths
p1 = plot(legend=:outerbottom, xlabel="Period", ylabel="Asset", title="Asset Paths")
p2 = plot(legend=:outerbottom, xlabel="Period", ylabel="Income", title="Income Paths")
p3 = plot(legend=:outerbottom, xlabel="Period", ylabel="Consumption", title="Consumption Paths")
for n in 1:N
plot!(p1, 1:T, a_paths[:, n], label="Worker $n")
plot!(p2, 1:T, y_paths[:, n], label="Worker $n")
plot!(p3, 1:T, c_paths[:, n], label="Worker $n")
plt = plot(p1, p2, p3, layout=(1,3), size=(900, 400))
return plt
# Set initial conditions and simulation parameters
a0 = kgrid[Int(length(kgrid)/2)] # Starting point at the midpoint of asset grid
y0 = exp(mean(solution.ygrid)) # Starting point at the midpoint of income grid
T = 100 # Number of model periods
N = 5 # Number of sample paths
# Plot worker paths
plot_worker_paths(solution, a0, y0, T, N)