Bounds checking removal

I am trying to provide @inbounds functionality for a custom type.

After reading the docs, I have experimented with various combinations of checkbounds with @inline and @propagate_inbounds. But still I can’t seem to get it to work, and I have a feeling I’m doing something quite stupid.

Why in the example below, doesn’t @inbounds A[2] work as expected?
(It returns nothing)

# Julia v0.6.0

struct MyType end

#Base.checkbounds(A::MyType, i::Integer) = println("checking bounds ...")
Base.checkbounds(A::MyType, i::Integer) = i < 0 && throw(BoundsError(A, i))

@inline function Base.getindex(A::MyType, i::Integer)
    @boundscheck checkbounds(A, i)
    return 17

A = MyType()
@inbounds A[2]

  1. @inbounds gives the compiler the freedom to remove the bound check. There’s no guarantee that it’ll actually do it. In particular, it’s not done in global scope where inlining is disabled.
  2. @inbounds return nothing now but might change later.
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Thank you Yichao.

yasm (Yet Another Stupid Mistake)

For the record, here’s a modified example showing @inbounds working as expected.

struct MyType end

Base.checkbounds(A::MyType, i::Integer) = println("checking bounds ...")

function Base.getindex(A::MyType, i::Integer)
    @boundscheck checkbounds(A, i)
    return 17

function f(A::MyType)
    s = 0
    for i in 1:10
        s += A[i]
    return s

function g(A::MyType)
    s = 0
    for i in 1:10
        @inbounds s += A[i]
    return s

A = MyType()
f(A)    # performs bounds checking
g(A)   # does not perform bounds checking