MWE… packages:
using LinearAlgebra;
using BlackBoxOptim;
Data: taken from Simple Linear Regression Examples: Real Life Problems & Solutions
X = [1.7, 1.5, 2.8, 5, 1.3, 2.2, 1.3] |> x->reshape(x,(1,length(x)))
Y = [368, 340, 665, 954, 331, 556, 375] |> x->reshape(x,(1,length(x)))
x = range(minimum(X),maximum(X),length=50);
Case of linear regression with linear polynomial basis function:
ϕ(x) = [1, x];
Φ = ϕ.(X) |> x -> reduce(hcat,x)
β_lin = Y/Φ;
L_lin = norm(Y-β_lin*Φ);
f(x;β=β) = β*ϕ(x)
ylin = f.(x;β=β_lin) |> x-> reduce(vcat,x);
Higher order polynomials in the basis function… just add terms in ϕ(x)
Hand-tuned location (mean M
) and spread (standard deviation Σ
) in gaussian basis functions:
M = [1.5,2.5,5]
Σ = [0.5,3,4]
ϕ(x) = [exp(-0.5*(x-μ)^2/σ^2) for (μ,σ) ∈ zip(M,Σ)]
Φ = ϕ.(X) |> x -> reduce(hcat,x)
β_gauss = Y/Φ
L_gauss = norm(Y-β_gauss*Φ)
f(x;β=β) = β*ϕ(x)
ygauss = f.(x;β=β_gauss) |> x->reduce(vcat,x);
BlackBoxOptim formulation:
# Range of parameters: beta_i, mu_i, sigma_i
# Loss function for BlackBoxOptim
L = p -> begin
np = Int(length(p)/3)
β = p[1:np]'
M = p[np+1:2np]
Σ = p[2np+1:end]
ω = zip(M,Σ)
Φ = ϕ.(X;Ω=ω) |> x->reduce(hcat,x)
return norm(Y-β*Φ)
# Optimization using BBO
res_bb = bboptimize(L; SearchRange = p_range, TraceMode = :silent);
# Unpacking results
p_bb = best_candidate(res_bb)
L_bb = best_fitness(res_bb);
np = Int(length(p_bb)/3)
β_bb = p_bb[1:np]'
M_bb = p_bb[np+1:2np]
Σ_bb = p_bb[2np+1:end]
ω_bb = zip(M_bb,Σ_bb)
f(x;β=β) = β*ϕ(x;Ω=ω_bb)
ybbgauss = f.(x;β=β_bb) |> x->reduce(vcat,x);
I hope the code is readable.