Dear all, i am using Jump JuMP v0.22.1
with MathOptInterface v0.10.5. Trying to installing BilevelJump give to me this issue:
ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package MathOptInterface [b8f27783]:
MathOptInterface [b8f27783] log:
├─possible versions are: 0.5.0-1.1.1 or uninstalled
├─restricted to versions 0.10.4-0.10 by JuMP [4076af6c], leaving only versions 0.10.4-0.10.9
│ └─JuMP [4076af6c] log:
│ ├─possible versions are: 0.22.1 or uninstalled
│ └─JuMP [4076af6c] is fixed to version 0.22.1
└─restricted by compatibility requirements with BilevelJuMP [485130c0] to versions: 0.9.10-0.9.22 — no versions left
└─BilevelJuMP [485130c0] log:
├─possible versions are: 0.1.0-0.4.2 or uninstalled
└─restricted to versions * by an explicit requirement, leaving only versions 0.1.0-0.4.2
Any hints to clear the problem? Thanks in advance