What is the most seamless way to view images in the Juno IDE with Atom?
Typically my “images” are 2-D float arrays, not RGB.
I usually use imshow
from PyPlot, but that doesn’t seem to work inline with Atom.
What is the most seamless way to view images in the Juno IDE with Atom?
Typically my “images” are 2-D float arrays, not RGB.
I usually use imshow
from PyPlot, but that doesn’t seem to work inline with Atom.
Try Plots.jl with the GR backend, that seemed to work quite well the last time I tried. Images.jl also has Juno integration IIRC.
What is the command from Plots.jl that you use?
It’s very easy to convert a float array to an Images.jl image, since “images” in Images.jl are just regular matrices of Color types. So if you have a matrix A
of floats in the range 0-1, you can turn that into a grayscale image with:
Here’s an example in Jupyter. I don’t use Juno myself, but I believe it should work as well: