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Julia Programming Projects


  • Leverage Julia’s strengths, its top packages, and main IDE options
  • Analyze and manipulate datasets using Julia and DataFrames
  • Write complex code while building real-life Julia applications
  • Develop and run a web app using Julia and the HTTP package
  • Build a recommender system using supervised machine learning
  • Perform exploratory data analysis
  • Apply unsupervised machine learning algorithms
  • Perform time series data analysis, visualization, and forecasting
  • A step-by-step guide that demonstrates how to build simple-to-advanced applications through examples in Julia Lang 1.x using modern tools


Beginning with an introduction to the language, Julia Programming Projects goes on to illustrate how to analyze the Iris dataset using DataFrames. You will explore functions and the type system, methods, and multiple dispatch while building a web scraper and a web app. Next, you’ll delve into machine learning, where you’ll build a books recommender system. You will also see how to apply unsupervised machine learning to perform clustering on the San Francisco business database. After metaprogramming, the final chapters will discuss dates and time, time series analysis, visualization, and forecasting.