Besides Revise.JL, what other packages are common parts of "expert" Julia workflow?

Besides Revise.JL, what other packages are common parts of “expert” Julia workflow ?

I.e. if I’m to be proficient in Julia, what other packages do I need to learn to use ?

A true expert would rewrite every package from scratch using only ifelse and @label/@goto /s

But seriously, I think there are very much not rules for who gets to call themselves an expert or not. A language is a tool. If you can use that tool to achieve your goals then I would not worry too much about if you are doing it “fancily” enough.

That being said, if you are interested in developing packages and are performance-oriented, I think package authors frequently make good use of Cthulhu.jl and JET.jl and SnoopCompile.jl

Personally I mostly just stick to MLJ.jl and DataFrames.jl, as I am a user not a package author :slight_smile:

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I suggest a list of basic development tools here, which you can put in your base environment: IntroJulia - package dev

In case the link goes dead, here they are: Aqua, BenchmarkTools, Documenter, JET, JuliaFormatter, OhMyREPL, PackageCompatUI, Revise, TestEnv. And possibly Term


(* I am biased as I am one of the primary contributors to these packages)

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