I’ve started a new job a couple months ago and have been using Julia recently for a project. I’m interested to learn what packages people always turn to/rely on for their general, day-to-day work. I want to expand my knowledge of the Julia ecosystem and hopefully add some new tools to improve my workflow.
Caveat: still a noob. But I always load Revise
and OhMyREPL
on my REPL sessions (automatically via the startup.jl
file). The most common packages I use are Plots
, DataFrames
, and Unitful
Maybe PkgTemplates.jl is worth a look. It provides a good starting environment for a new module with tests and documentation configured. Revise.jl is very common, I personally also like ProtoStructs.jl. And I also felt that I should have learned the dev
command from the package manager much earlier to keep my own packages in a commonplace.
Anyway, it really depends on your specific field.
Take a look at https://modernjuliaworkflows.github.io/
Also have a look at my blog post: Working with Julia projects | Julia programming notes
And I am using these packages for modeling and control of dynamic systems (well, wind turbines actually)…
Name | Version | Description |
Revise | 3.5.7 | Automatically update function definitions in a running Julia session |
MKL | 0.6.1 | Linear Algebra library, needed for parallel simulations |
ModelingToolkit | 8.72.2 | An acausal modeling framework for automatically parallelized scientific machine learning (SciML) in Julia. |
ControlSystemsBase | 1.9.5 | A Control Systems Toolbox for Julia |
OrdinaryDiffEq | 6.58.1 | High performance ordinary differential equation (ODE) and differential-algebraic equation (DAE) solver. |
SteadyStateDiffEq | 1.16.1 | Solvers for steady states in scientific machine learning (SciML) |
DataInterpolations | 4.5.0 | A library of data interpolation and smoothing functions |
Interpolations | 0.14.7 | Fast, continuous interpolation of discrete datasets in Julia |
FastChebInterp | 1.2.0 | Fast multidimensional Chebyshev interpolation and regression in Julia |
DataStructures | 0.18.15 | Julia implementation of Data structures |
DocStringExtensions | 0.9.3 | Extensions for Julia’s docsystem. |
EnumX | 1.0.4 | This is what I wish Base.@enum was. |
FFTW | 1.7.1 | Julia bindings to the FFTW library for fast Fourier transforms |
JLD2 | 0.4.38 | HDF5-compatible file format in pure Julia |
LaTeXStrings | 1.3.1 | Convenient input and display of LaTeX equation strings for the Julia language |
MAT | 0.10.6 | Julia module for reading MATLAB files |
PackageCompiler | 2.1.11 | Compile your Julia Package |
PyCall | 1.96.2 | Package to call Python functions from the Julia language |
PyPlot | 2.11.2 | Plotting for Julia based on matplotlib.pyplot |
Roots | 2.0.20 | Root finding functions for Julia |
Timers | 0.1.5 | Timers for Julia |
YAML | 0.4.9 | Parse yer YAMLs |