Ben Moll's Huggett code not consistent in Julia

I rewrote (translated) Ben Moll’s Matlab code for the Huggett model (partial equilibrium) in continuous time in Julia. When I change the value of the shocks, the concavity condition during the iteration fails. The Matlab code converges with changing the shock values, but the Julia code does not. Any suggestions as to why this is happening and how to correct it?

When I change the shock values from z = [0.1, 0.2] to z = [0.1, 0.3], it results in complex values and the iteration fails. The Julia code is below and the original Matlab code is in this link. I did not code the KF part since the problem is with the iteration.

using LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays

s = 1.2;
r = 0.035;
rho = 0.05;

# shock values
z = [0.1, 0.2];
nz = size(z)[1];

# co-state initial values
la = [1.5, 1.1];

# grid
na = 500;
amin = -0.02;
amax = 3.0;
a = collect(range(amin,amax,na));
da = (amax-amin)/(na-1);

# making the grid for all the states
aa = repeat(a,1,nz);
zz = repeat(z',na,1);

# iteration parameters
maxit = 100;
crit = 10^(-6);

# HJB parameters
Delta = 1000;
global dVf = zeros(na,nz);
global dVb = zeros(na,nz);
global c = zeros(na,nz);

# sparse matrix for the co-state variables
global Aswitch = [-sparse(I,na,na).*la[1] sparse(I,na,na).*la[1];
            sparse(I,na,na).*la[2] -sparse(I,na,na).*la[2]];

# initial guess for the value functions
v0 = zeros(na,nz);
for i in 1:nz
    v0[:,i] = (z[i].+r.*a).^(1-s)./((1-s)*rho);

# start the loop
global v = v0;

for n in 1:maxit
    V = v;

    # FD
    dVf[1:na-1,:] = (V[2:na,:]-V[1:na-1,:])/da;
    dVf[na,:] = (z.+r.*amax).^(-s);

    # BD
    dVb[2:na,:] = (V[2:na,:]-V[1:na-1,:])/da;
    dVb[1,:] = (z.+r.*amin).^(-s);

    # concavity check
    global I_concave = dVb .> dVf;

    # consumption and savings with FD
    cf = dVf.^(-1/s);
    global sf = zz.+r.*aa.-cf;

    # consumption and savings with BD
    cb = dVb.^(-1/s);
    global sb = zz.+r.*aa.-cb;

    # consumption and savings at steady state
    c0 = zz.+r.*aa;
    dV0 = c0.^(-s);

    # upwind scheme
    If = sf .> 0;
    Ib = sb .< 0;
    I0 = (1).-If.-Ib;
    Ib[na,:] .= 1.0;
    If[na,:] .= 0.0;

    # approximate derivate based on the drift,
    # the last term is important for stability
    dV_upwind = dVf.*If.+dVb.*Ib.+dV0.*I0;
    global c = dV_upwind.^(-1/s);
    global u = c.^(1-s)/(1-s);

    # construct the A matrix using sparse routines
    # first construct the pieces
    global lower = -min.(sb,0)/da;
    global middle = (min.(sb,0).-max.(sf,0))/da;
    global upper = max.(sf,0)/da;

    global A_list = [];
    for j in 1:nz
        push!(A_list,spdiagm(-1 => lower[2:na,j], 0 => middle[:,j], 1 => upper[1:na-1,j]))

    global A = [A_list[1] spzeros(na,na);spzeros(na,na) A_list[2]] .+ Aswitch;

    if findmax(abs.(sum(A,dims=2)))[1] > 10^(-12)
        println("Improper Transition Matrix")

    #set up the now linear system and solve it!
    global B = (1/Delta+rho).*sparse(I,nz*na,nz*na).-A;
    # stack the shock states on top of each other (automated)
    global u_stacked = u[:,1];
    global V_stacked = V[:,1];
    for j in 2:nz
        u_stacked = cat(u_stacked, u[:,j], dims=1);
        V_stacked = cat(V_stacked, V[:,j], dims=1);
    global b = u_stacked.+V_stacked./Delta;
    global V_sol = B\b;

    global V = [V_sol[1:na] V_sol[na+1:nz*na]];

    global V_change = V .- v
    global v = V;
    dist = findmax(abs.(V_change))[1]

    if dist<crit
        println("Value function converged!")
        println("Number of iterations: ",n,".")
        println("Error = ", dist,".")

Try to structure your code, using functions, and don’t use global. That will make it easier to read and find bugs in.

In this case, OP is copying code exactly from matlab, which unfortunately doesn’t use functions.

Still, OP, this is asking a lot on readers to debug this code. I think the best option is to go line-by-line and analyze differences in the code.

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Quick update: The code runs fine. So it does not need debugging. The problem is that the Matlab code is robust when the shock values are changed, but basically, a line-by-line translation in Julia is not robust. It works with the parametrization above (which is from the Matlab code), but for some reason a change in the shock values makes the iteration fail. So I guess I am not asking for debugging the code, but why such a code in Matlab is robust but not in Julia.

But that’s not very different from what Peter said, is it? There might be some sort of numerical instability in your code, or a different matrix factorization used by Matlab at some point, or any number of other reasons but in the end it comes down to checking where the code starts diverging.