Consider the function and a call to this function. Notice the placement of @df on the first line of myPlot().
There is a spae before the @df macro. Everything runs fine. However, if I remove this space, then when compiling myPlot in Atom, I get the error that df_jump is not defined. I understand that the macro executes before the call to the function, so it is expanding on something that is not defined. But if this is true, why does adding a space before the @ symbol solve the problem? I do not understand. Thanks.
function run_plot(tot_pop)
prop_infected = 0.001
I0 = floor(Int, tot_pop * prop_infected)
S0 = tot_pop - I0
u0 = [S0,I0,0];
prob = DiscreteProblem(u0,tspan)
prob_jump = JumpProblem(prob,Direct(),sir_model)
sol_jump = solve(prob_jump,SSAStepper());
out_jump = sol_jump(t);
df_jump = DataFrame(out_jump')
df_jump[!,:t] = out_jump.t;
function myPlot(df_jump)
@df df_jump plot(:t,
[:x1 :x2 :x3],
label=["S" "I" "R"],
time run_plot(10000)