Bayesian inference of the area profile of a solid in a draining tank using Turing.jl

:waving_hand: I am a chemical engineering professor at Oregon State University. we used Turing.jl to solve an inverse problem of reconstruction with quantified uncertainty: infer the horizontal cross-sectional area profile of a solid inside of a tank from the liquid level dynamics as the tank drains. mathematically, this comes down to Bayesian inference of a function involved in a differential equation.

thought to share with you all since
(1) it’s a neat example of applying Bayesian inference to a physical inverse problem
(2) as practitioners, we appreciate how easy Turing.jl was to use for this, and it enabled our research. (thank you, developers.)


Thanks for sharing!
Very nice paper indeed. I was looking for something like this.
Did you use Makie.jl for the figures?


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thank you! we used Makie.jl for the figures indeed. (maybe should have cited the Makie.jl paper, too.) we applied a theme from MakieThemes.jl.

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