I would like to make a really simple Bar Plot, but the Data especially the Name of a Column is quite long and thus for me impossible to address. I am following the following instructions: Bar charts in Julia
The data can be downloaded here: Years of fossil fuel reserves left - Our World in Data
I am working with the following file: years-of-fossil-fuel-reserves-left.csv and here is the code which does not work.
using PlotlyJS
using CSV
using DataFrames
df_1 = DataFrame(CSV.File("years-of-fossil-fuel-reserves-left.csv"))
plot(df_1, x=:Entity, y=:"Reserves-Production Ratio (BP Statistics (2016))", kind="bar")
I get the following error: “Cannot convert DataFrame to series data for plotting”
I tried a couple of things to address the column Reserves-Production Ratio (BP Statistics (2016)) without success. Can anyone help?