How can a background image be added at specific coordinates (and with a specific scale) on a Plots.jl plot?
Assume you have an image of a floor plan whose corner points are associated with specific coordinates, and you’d like to draw additional objects on top.
I can specify the limits of a plot (fitting the domain of the floor plan), and I can draw additional geometries.
using Plots
using FileIO
bg_img = load("floorplan.jpg")
p = plot(bg_img, xlim=(-1,2), ylim=(-3,4))
plot!(p, [-1,2], [-3,4], color="red")
savefig(p, "floorplan_with_geometries.png")
How can I instruct Plots.jl to scale the background image as desired (such that its corner points coincide with the axis limits)?
Many thanks in advance.