Suppose we have a function f(input) that transforms input (a long list of input arguments) into an output (a long tuple), depending on some (hidden) random values.
A very minimalist example is the randnfunction.
Is there an elegant way to compute the average of the output tuple over multiple evaluations?
It depends on the type of output, but something like:
julia> function average_over(f::Function, args...; n::Int)
return reduce(.+, f(args...) for _ in 1:n) ./ n
average_over (generic function with 1 method)
julia> foo(args...) = map(a -> a .+ randn(2), args)
foo (generic function with 1 method)
julia> average_over(foo, 1, 2; n = 10)
([0.8054566798422351, 1.1462985508680306], [2.8200773922538627, 2.0001120212986656])