Automatic differentiation and `abs()` (or comparison operators in general) issues with JuMP/Ipopt

I just scratched my head for a while because my super fast reconstruction algorithm suddenly took 100 times longer than usual after playing around with the quality function. Then I realised that the abs() function inside the function which is being minimised is causing issues. Now, the only reason I can think of is that probably some dispatch goes wrong and the automatic differentiation is causing type inference issues.

Before I start to dive in and create an MWE: is this a known issue?

Edit: ehm, actually the following workaround is almost as slow as abs(), so I guess the < operator is the problem :confused:

a = a < 0 ? -a : a

have you tried changing 0 for zero(T)? maybe it’s a dispatch problem
what’s the speed of sqrt(a^2) ?

What auto diff package are you using? I recently had issues with ForwardDiff returning Any.

@longemen3000 I’ll try with sort, zero(T) has no effect as I am using regular floats.

@sebastianpech I am using JuMP and no idea what’s used, I guess it’s ForwardDiff.jl but I have to look it up…

I cannot reproduce it… This is a MNWE which should only contain the relevant parts. I did everything the same way, as far as I can tell but the following snippet takes the same time with or without the <-code block.

using JuMP
using Ipopt
using BenchmarkTools
using StaticArrays
using ProgressMeter

struct Bar{T} <: FieldVector{2, T}

dosomethingwithbar(bar::Bar) = bar.s + bar.t

struct FooMinimiser <: Function

function (f::FooMinimiser)(a)
    bar = Bar(f.x[1], f.x[2])
    z = dosomethingwithbar(bar)
    # This is the block which in my case causes a ~200x slowdown, where both `z` and `a` are `Float64`
    # if a < z
    #    a .+ 0.01
    # end
    sum((f.x .- a).^2)

function loop(;n=10000)
    results = Vector{Float64}()
    @showprogress 1 for _ in 1:n
        x = rand(Float64, 1000)
        foo = FooMinimiser(x)
        model = Model(with_optimizer(Ipopt.Optimizer, print_level=0))
        register(model, :foo, 1, foo, autodiff=true)

        @variable(model, 0 <= a <= 1)

        @NLobjective(model, Min, foo(a))


        push!(results, value(a))
