The syntax for elt in coll iterates on the elements of the collection. Therefore, in your example i takes in turn the values 1.0 (which, by chance, happens to be a valid index) and false (which is seen as 0 and is not a valid index).
TLDR: you can iterate directly on elements in the tuple:
julia> a = (1.0,false::Bool)
(1.0, false)
julia> for ai in a
@show ai
ai = 1.0
ai = false
Or you can use eachindex to iterate on valid indices:
julia> for i in eachindex(a)
@show a[i]
a[i] = 1.0
a[i] = false
My guess is that tuples were overlooked when non-integer indexing of vectors was removed.
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julia> [1,2][1.0]
WARNING: Indexing with non-Integer Reals is deprecated. It may be that your index arose from an integer division of the form i/j, in which case you should consider using i÷j or div(i,j) instead.
in depwarn at deprecated.jl:73
in to_index at deprecated.jl:447
in getindex at array.jl:283
while loading no file, in expression starting on line 0
julia> (1,2)[1.0]