The Arrow.jl documentation seems to indicate that I can use Arrow.write on NamedTuple’s of AbstractVector’s. Can anyone help me understand why the following code doesn’t work:
using Arrow
Arrow.write( "test", (x=collect(1:10),) )
The Arrow.jl documentation seems to indicate that I can use Arrow.write on NamedTuple’s of AbstractVector’s. Can anyone help me understand why the following code doesn’t work:
using Arrow
Arrow.write( "test", (x=collect(1:10),) )
Could you clarify what your problem is? I’m seeing this:
julia> using Arrow, DataFrames
julia> Arrow.write("test", (x = collect(1:10), ))
julia> DataFrame(Arrow.Table("test"))
10×1 DataFrame
Row │ x
│ Int64
1 │ 1
2 │ 2
3 │ 3
4 │ 4
5 │ 5
6 │ 6
7 │ 7
8 │ 8
9 │ 9
10 │ 10
(jl_MUttpq) pkg> st
Status `C:\Users\ngudat\AppData\Local\Temp\jl_MUttpq\Project.toml`
[69666777] Arrow v1.2.2
Thanks for your response. The issue was that the package manager installed an old version of the package (0.2.4). Updating fixed it.