function addcol1(x)
x.mycol = x.ID .+ 1
function join1(x)
jobs = DataFrame(ID = [20, 40,45], Job = ["Lawyer", "Doctor","teacher"])
x = innerjoin(x, jobs, on = :ID)
return x
Run this with
people = DataFrame(ID = [20, 40,45], name = ["Jane", "Kalle","Petri"], h = [10,16,25])
The first command changes variable people in the calling scope, the second does not. Why?
this means that the connection to the original object is lost?
My next question is: should I return the resulting dataframe as return value; or is there a way to copy the result of innerjoin to x so that x still represents the original object?
You should return it as a return value. If you were just adding a column for example, you could modify the existing object. But with a “join” operation you create a new object, so you should return it.
You could go around these rules by defining a macro instead of a function, but that’s generally a bad idea (macros should only be used for good reason as they make the code less readable/predictable and they are more difficult to write without bugs).