So i want to outerjoin three dataframes and rename their columns at the same time.
Here is the code that I try to do
using DataFramesMeta, Dates, Plots, DataFrames, MarketData, PyCall
start = DateTime(2018,1,1)
IBCI = DataFrame(yahoo(Symbol("IBCI.DE"), YahooOpt(period1 = start)))
IUSA = DataFrame(yahoo(Symbol("IUSA.DE"), YahooOpt(period1 = start)))
IEMA = DataFrame(yahoo(Symbol("IEMA.AS"), YahooOpt(period1 = start)))
dollar_portfolio = outerjoin(IBCI[:,[:timestamp, :Open]],
IUSA[:,[:timestamp, :Open]],
IEMA[:,[:timestamp, :Open]],
on=:timestamp, makeunique=true,
renamecols= "IBCI" => "IUSA"=> "IEMA")
This give me the following error
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching outerjoin(::DataFrame, ::DataFrame, ::DataFrame; on=:timestamp, makeunique=true, renamecols="IBCI" => ("IUSA" => "IEMA"))
Closest candidates are:
outerjoin(::AbstractDataFrame, ::AbstractDataFrame, ::AbstractDataFrame...; on, makeunique, validate, matchmissing) at C:\Users\ignac\.julia\packages\DataFrames\BM4OQ\src\join\composer.jl:1044 got unsupported keyword argument "renamecols"
outerjoin(::AbstractDataFrame, ::AbstractDataFrame; on, makeunique, source, indicator, validate, renamecols, matchmissing) at C:\Users\ignac\.julia\packages\DataFrames\BM4OQ\src\join\composer.jl:1013
[1] kwerr(::NamedTuple{(:on, :makeunique, :renamecols), Tuple{Symbol, Bool, Pair{String, Pair{String, String}}}}, ::Function, ::DataFrame, ::DataFrame, ::DataFrame)
@ Base .\error.jl:163
[2] top-level scope
If I only join two of them everything works fine. But I would like to join multiple at the same time. Does anyone knows how I should do this?
Thanks in advance