Application of MPC to an existing code of 1-Dimensional heat equation

Hello Julia community. I am working on a heat equation of 1D heat rod on which I want to apply the Model Predictive Controller. I have pasted my edited code with this message. I wanted some help to how can I solve the errors. Some of the suggestions that I have obtained are as follows:

(1) I need to change the position as to which is the best place to define the model.

(2) Which coefficients do my MPC algorithm need and where do I implement them? And what are suitable values for them?
e.g. Sampling time, MPC horizon, final simulation time, etc…

(3) ow do I implement the system dynamics / Euler step z[k+1] = z[k] + ΔT * f(z[k], u[k]) correctly?
Does not work: mech_osc(θ,u) = α/(Δx^2)* θ + 2/(c * ρ * Δx) * u

How should I change my 2 “for” loops such that the part “@constraint” gets removed.

Any small help will be great for me. Looking forward to your suggestions.

Thank you!!

using JuMP, Ipopt, LinearAlgebra

mod = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
set_optimizer_attribute(mod, "max_iter", 100)
set_optimizer_attribute(mod, "mumps_mem_percent", 500)
#A JuMP model is initialized

#The parameters of the 1-D rod
L = 0.1                                 #Length of rod
λ = 45.0                                # Conductivity
c = 460.0                               # Specific heat capacitivity
ρ = 7800.0                              # Material density
α = λ / (c*ρ)                           # Diffusivity

#Number of spatial discretization points and length of each
N = 11                                 #Discretization points / nodes
Δx = L / (N-1)                         # Δx = x[i+1] - x[i]

#Integration from t0 = 0 to tf
tf = 900.0                             #Final time: 900 seconds = 15 minutes
Δt = 1.0                               #Sampling period
k = round(Int,tf / Δt);                #k = number of steps

#Initial and reference temperatures in Kelvin
θinit = 273.0
θref = 500.0

#bounded input values[u_min,u_max]
u_min = 0.0
u_max = 20e5; 

function mpc_emo(θinit)
    #Decision variables of the optimization problem
    @variables mod begin
        θ[1:N,1:k];                              # temperature at x[1:N] at time step k
        u_min <= u[1:N, 1:k - 1] <= u_max;       # bounded constrained Input u
        y[1:k];                                  # Output y
    #Initial values
    @constraint(mod, θ[:,1] .== θinit)
    @constraint(mod, y[1] .== θinit)

    #System dynamics
    for j in 1:(k-1)

        for i in 2:N-1
            @constraint(mod,θ[i,j + 1] ==  θ[i,j] + Δt * α/( Δx^2)(θ[i-1,j] - 2θ[i,j] + θ[i+1,j]) ) # Diffusion at inner grid points
        @constraint(mod, θ[1,j + 1] == (θ[1,j] + Δt*( α/(Δx^2) * (-2*θ[1,j] + 2*θ[2,j]) + 2/(c * ρ * Δx)*u[j]))) # Left side: heat input
        @constraint(mod, θ[end,j + 1] == ( θ[end,j] + Δt * α/(Δx^2) * (2*θ[end-1,j] - 2*θ[end,j]) )) # Right side: isolated side
        @constraint(mod,y[j + 1] ==  θ[end,j + 1]) # Measurement at left side

    q_w = 1000; # Weighing coefficient for errors (or states)
    r_w = 1e-4; # Weighing coefficient for input signals

    # e(t) = r(t) - y(t) 
    # err = q * sum( e(t_i)^2 )  with index i ∈ (1,k-1)
    err = @NLexpression(mod, sum(q_w * (θref - y[j])^2 for j in 1:k-1) )

    #in_err = r * sum( u(t_i)^2)
    in_err = @NLexpression(mod, sum(r_w * u[j] ^ 2 for j in 1:k-1) )

    # Cost function
    J = @NLexpression(mod,0.5 * Δt * (err + in_err))

    #defining the cost function
    @NLobjective(mod, Min, J)

    #optimizes the model
    return JuMP.value.(θ), JuMP.value.(u)

mech_osc(θ,u) =  α/(Δx^2)* θ + 2/(c * ρ * Δx) * u

θpos = rand(11)          # Recent states
θ_hist = zeros(11,0)     # History of states

for i in 1:50
    # Run the MPC control optimization
    θ_plan, u_plan = mpc_emo(θpos)
    # Save states
    θ_hist = hcat(θ_hist, θ_plan[:,1])
    θpos = θpos + Δt * mech_osc(θpos,u_plan[:,1])


using Plots