append! isn’t thread safe, so the result is really undefined. I believe this will work, you will use 3 threads to populate A, B, and C at the same time.
Threads.@threads for a in [ A, B, C]
for i in 1:10
Thanks for the response. My actual code isn’t as simple as appending the same number to 3 different arrays.
function buildAdjacency!(g::Graph)
n = length(g.nodes)
Is = []
Js = []
Vs = []
Threads.@threads for e in g.edges
# add edge to A
append!(Is,findfirst(isequal(e.first), g.nodes))
append!(Js,findfirst(isequal(e.second), g.nodes))
g.A = sparse(Is,Js,Vs,n,n)
Is there a thread-safe way to parallelize the loop over the edges?
function buildAdjacency!(g::Graph)
n = length(g.nodes)
Is = []
Js = []
Vs = []
Threads.@spawn for e in g.edges
append!(Is,findfirst(isequal(e.first), g.nodes))
Threads.@spawn for e in g.edges
append!(Js,findfirst(isequal(e.second), g.nodes))
Threads.@spawn for e in g.edges
g.A = sparse(Is,Js,Vs,n,n)
That way each thread is adding to a different array. This works best if the calculations each thread has to do are different (you can’t really reuse any intermediate calculations between the threads).
The ReentrantLock@ppalmes suggested would also work. It does impose some overhead so it’s effectiveness will be based on how long findfirst takes to execute (in this example)…if it’s short then there could be lots of blocking, if it’s long things will run fine.
Edit: I think the @sync will work here, but I’m not 100%. You might need to save the the t1, t2, t3 tasks then do a wait on them just before the sparse function. like:
t1 = Threads.@spawn for end
t2 = Threads.@spawn for end
t3 = Threads.@spawn for end
wait(t1); wait(t2); wait(t3)
it is always a trade-off so better you benchmark it to see which ones are faster depending on data size and how often different threads access the same memory. @distributed can be faster so you may also compare @threads with it.