Any toy version of the DICE model for climate change available in Julia?

Does any “toy” (oversemplified) versions of the dice model model for assessing climate change optimal societal actions is available in Julia?
Perhaps based on Jump/InfiniteOpt?

Not that I’m aware of.

Just to completness, there are several “complete” implementation of DICE in Julia, this one offer a multi-language implementation, or this one that is more recent and runs with current versions of Julia/JuMP/Ipopt.

There are still however a considerable number of equations and parameters , I am looking for an implementation aimed to didactic that while keeping the logic of the model doesn’t aim to represent the Earth or the Economic models in (relative) detail or even realistically.

The Pearson book on Environmental & Natural Resources Economics for example has a very simple model of one greenhouse pollution stock, one natural resources stock and one manifacture capital stock plus one mitigation function and one production function whose single aggregated product can be allocated to capital stock, mitigation, extraction cost, or finally consumption → welfare with a fixed discount rate:

This has all the main elements of DICE while reducing its complexity to the bare minimum.

I am looking for a numerical implementation (i.e. with the definition of specific functional forms) of something like this, if it exists.

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