Hello, this post il dual
It’s at the same time a request for help for a specific case, but also a much more general question.
I am trying to port the Nordhaus’s DICE climate change model v2023 to Julia, in its simplest possible form.
This is my attempt in Julia/JuMP
# Implementation of the DICE 2023 model
# This version has all the par values and code elements in a single file
# (just for testing.. know is not good!!)
# Based on DICE2023-b-4-3-10.gms and included files
# (Nonco2-b-4-3-1.gms and FAIR-beta-4-3-1.gms)
using Pkg
Pkg.activate(@__DIR__) # Using the attached Project.toml and Manifest-v1.11.toml guarantees reproducibility
using JuMP, Ipopt # JuMP is the algeabric modeling language, Ipopt is the solver
# Raw (exogenous) parameters
tstep = 5 # Years per period
ntsteps = 81 # Number of time periods
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Population and technology
gama = 0.300 # Capital elasticity in production function
pop1 = 7752.9 # Initial world population 2020 (millions)
popadj = 0.145 # Growth rate to calibrate to 2050 population projection
popasym = 10825.0 # Asymptotic population (millions)
dk = 0.100 # Depreciation rate on capital (per year)
q1 = 135.7 # Initial world output 2020 (trill 2019 USD)
al1 = 5.84 # Initial level of total factor productivity
ga1 = 0.066 # Initial growth rate for TFP per 5 years
dela = 0.0015 # Decline rate of TFP per 5 years
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Emissions parameters and Non-CO2 GHG with sigma = emissions/output
gsigma1 = -0.015 # Initial growth of sigma (per year)
delgsig = 0.96 # Decline rate of gsigma per period
asymgsig = -0.005 # Asymptotic gsigma
e1 = 37.56 # Industrial emissions 2020 (GtCO2 per year)
miu1 = 0.05 # Emissions control rate historical 2020
fosslim = 6000.0 # Maximum cumulative extraction fossil fuels (GtC)
cumemiss0 = 633.5 # Cumulative emissions 2020 (GtC)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Climate damage parameters
a1 = 0.0 # Damage intercept
a2base = 0.003467 # Damage quadratic term
a3 = 2.0 # Damage exponent
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Abatement cost
expcost2 = 2.6 # Exponent of control cost function
pback2050 = 515.0 # Cost of backstop in 2019$ per tCO2 (2050)
gback = -0.012 # Initial cost decline of backstop cost per year
cprice1 = 6.0 # Carbon price in 2020 (2019$ per tCO2)
gcprice = 0.025 # Growth rate of base carbon price per year
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Limits on emissions controls
limmiu2070 = 1.0 # Emission control limit from 2070
limmiu2120 = 1.1 # Emission control limit from 2120
limmiu2200 = 1.05 # Emission control limit from 2220
limmiu2300 = 1.0 # Emission control limit from 2300
delmiumax = 0.12 # Emission control delta limit per period
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Preferences, growth uncertainty, and timing
betaclim = 0.5 # Climate beta
elasmu = 0.95 # Elasticity of marginal utility of consumption
prstp = 0.001 # Pure rate of social time preference
pi_val = 0.05 # Capital risk premium (renamed to avoid conflict with Julia's pi)
k0 = 295.0 # Initial capital stock (10^12 2019 USD)
siggc1 = 0.01 # Annual standard deviation of consumption growth
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Scaling so that MU(C(1)) = 1 and objective function = PV consumption
srf = 1000000.0 # Scaling factor for discounting
scale1 = 0.00891061 # Multiplicative scaling coefficient
scale2 = -6275.91 # Additive scaling coefficient
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parameters for non-industrial emissions
eland0 = 5.9 # Carbon emissions from land 2015 (GtCO2 per year)
deland = 0.1 # Decline rate of land emissions (per period)
f_misc2020 = -0.054 # Non-abatable forcings 2020
f_misc2100 = 0.265 # Non-abatable forcings 2100
f_ghgabate2020 = 0.518 # Forcings of abatable non-CO2 GHG
f_ghgabate2100 = 0.957 # Forcings of abatable non-CO2 GHG
eco2eghgb2020 = 9.96 # Emissions of abatable non-CO2 GHG (GtCO2e) in 2020
eco2eghgb2100 = 15.5 # Emissions of abatable non-CO2 GHG (GtCO2e) in 2100
emissrat2020 = 1.40 # Ratio of CO2e to industrial CO2 in 2020
emissrat2100 = 1.21 # Ratio of CO2e to industrial CO2 in 2100
fcoef1 = 0.00955 # Coefficient of non-CO2 abateable emissions
fcoef2 = 0.861 # Coefficient of non-CO2 abateable emissions
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parameters for the DFAIR model
yr0 = 2020.0 # Calendar year that corresponds to model year zero
emshare0 = 0.2173 # Carbon emissions share into Reservoir 0
emshare1 = 0.224 # Carbon emissions share into Reservoir 1
emshare2 = 0.2824 # Carbon emissions share into Reservoir 2
emshare3 = 0.2763 # Carbon emissions share into Reservoir 3
tau0 = 1000000.0 # Decay time constant for Reservoir 0
tau1 = 394.4 # Decay time constant for Reservoir 1
tau2 = 36.53 # Decay time constant for Reservoir 2
tau3 = 4.304 # Decay time constant for Reservoir 3
teq1 = 0.324 # Thermal equilibration parameter for box 1
teq2 = 0.44 # Thermal equilibration parameter for box 2
d1 = 236.0 # Thermal response timescale for deep ocean
d2 = 4.07 # Thermal response timescale for upper ocean
irf0 = 32.4 # Pre-industrial IRF100
irc = 0.019 # Increase in IRF100 with cumulative carbon uptake
irt = 4.165 # Increase in IRF100 with warming
fco22x = 3.93 # Forcings of equilibrium CO2 doubling
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initial conditions to be calibrated to history calibration
mat0 = 886.5128014 # Initial concentration in atmosphere in 2020 (GtC)
res00 = 150.093 # Initial concentration in Reservoir 0 in 2020 (GtC)
res10 = 102.698 # Initial concentration in Reservoir 1 in 2020 (GtC)
res20 = 39.534 # Initial concentration in Reservoir 2 in 2020 (GtC)
res30 = 6.1865 # Initial concentration in Reservoir 3 in 2020 (GtC)
mateq = 588.0 # Equilibrium concentration in atmosphere (GtC)
tbox10 = 0.1477 # Initial temperature box 1 change in 2020 (°C)
tbox20 = 1.099454 # Initial temperature box 2 change in 2020 (°C)
# TODO: check if this should be computed instead (as I think)..
# Changed to prevent numerical instability (GAMS original: 1.24715)...
tatm0 = 1.247154 # Initial atmospheric temperature change in 2020 (°C)
# Computed parameters
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Preferences, growth uncertainty, and timing
# Time periods sequence
times = 0:tstep:(ntsteps*tstep)-1 # 0,5,10,...,400
# Time periods index sequences
tidx = 1:ntsteps # 1,2,3,...,81
t0idx = 0:ntsteps-1 # 0,1,2,...,80
# Risk-adjusted rate of time preference
rartp = exp(prstp + betaclim*pi_val)-1
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Precautionary dynamic parameters
# Variance of per capita consumption
varpcc = [min((siggc1^2)*t,(siggc1^2)*tstep*47) for t in times]
# Precautionary rate of return
rprecaut = @. -0.5 * varpcc * elasmu^2
# STP factor without precautionary factor
rr1 = @. 1 / ((1+rartp)^times)
# STP with precautionary factor
rr = @. rr1 * (1+rprecaut) ^ -times
# Level of population and labor
l = fill(pop1, ntsteps); [l[ti] = l[ti-1] * (popasym / l[ti-1])^popadj for ti in tidx[2:end]]
# Growth rate of Total Factor Productivity
ga = @. ga1*exp(-dela*times)
# Level of total factor productivity
al = fill(al1, ntsteps); [al[ti] = al[ti-1] / (1 - ga[ti-1]) for ti in tidx[2:end]]
# Optimal long-run savings rate used for transversality
optlrsav = (dk + 0.004)/(dk + 0.004*elasmu + rartp)*gama
# Carbon price in base case
cpricebase = @. cprice1*(1+gcprice)^times
# Backstop price 2019$ per ton CO2
pbacktime = @. pback2050*exp(-tstep*0.01*(tidx-7))
pbacktime[8:end] = @. pback2050*exp(-tstep*0.001*(tidx[8:end]-7))
# Carbon intensity 2020 kgCO2-output 2020
sig1 = e1/(q1*(1-miu1))
# Change in sigma (rate of decarbonization)
gsig = @. min(gsigma1*delgsig ^(tidx-1),asymgsig)
# CO2-emissions output ratio
sigma = fill(sig1,ntsteps)
[sigma[ti] = sigma[ti-1] * exp(tstep*gsig[ti-1]) for ti in tidx[2:end] ]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Emissions limits
# Upper bounds on miu
miuup = fill(1.0, ntsteps)
miuup[1] = 0.05; miuup[2] = 0.10
@. miuup[3:8] = delmiumax*(tidx[3:8]-1)
@. miuup[9:11] = 0.85+.05*(tidx[9:11]-8)
miuup[12:20] .= limmiu2070
miuup[21:37] .= limmiu2120
miuup[38:57] .= limmiu2200
miuup[58:end] .= limmiu2300
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parameters emissions and non-CO2
eland = @. eland0*(1-deland)^t0idx
co2e_ghgabateb = eco2eghgb2020 .+ [(eco2eghgb2100-eco2eghgb2020) * min(1,ti/16) for ti in t0idx]
f_misc = f_misc2020 .+ [(f_misc2100-f_misc2020) * min(1,ti/16) for ti in t0idx]
emissrat = emissrat2020 .+ [(emissrat2100-emissrat2020) * min(1,ti/16) for ti in t0idx]
sigmatot = @. sigma * emissrat
cost1tot = @. pbacktime * sigmatot / expcost2/1000
# Optimization model & computation options
m = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
# Variables declaration
@variables m begin
ECO2[tidx] # Total CO2 emissions (GtCO2 per year)
ECO2E[tidx] # Total CO2e emissions including abateable nonCO2 GHG (GtCO2 per year)
EIND[tidx] # Industrial CO2 emissions (GtCO2 per yr)
# TODO: check this, as in GAMS it is declared without time index, but then it is used with time index!
F_GHGABATE[tidx] # Forcings abateable nonCO2 GHG
MIU[tidx] >= 0.0 # Emission control rate GHGs
C[tidx] >= 0.0 # Consumption (trillions 2019 US dollars per year)
K[tidx] >= 0.0 # Capital stock (trillions 2019 US dollars)
CPC[tidx] # Per capita consumption (thousands 2019 USD per year)
I[tidx] >= 0.0 # Investment (trillions 2019 USD per year)
S[tidx] # Gross savings rate as fraction of gross world product (control)
Y[tidx] >= 0.0 # Gross world product net of abatement and damages (trillions 2019 USD per year)
YGROSS[tidx] >= 0.0 # Gross world product GROSS of abatement and damages (trillions 2019 USD per year)
YNET[tidx] >= 0.0 # Output net of damages equation (trillions 2019 USD per year)
DAMAGES[tidx] # Damages (trillions 2019 USD per year)
DAMFRAC[tidx] # Damages as fraction of gross output
ABATECOST[tidx] # Cost of emissions reductions (trillions 2019 USD per year)
MCABATE[tidx] # Marginal cost of abatement (2019$ per ton CO2)
CCATOT[tidx] # Total carbon emissions (GtC)
PERIODU[tidx] # One period utility function
CPRICE[tidx] # Carbon price (2019$ per ton of CO2)
TOTPERIODU[tidx] # Period utility
UTILITY # Welfare function
RFACTLONG[tidx] >= 0.0 #
RSHORT[tidx[2:end]] # Real interest rate with precautionary(per annum year on year)
RLONG[tidx[2:end]] # Real interest rate from year 0 to T
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Climate variables
# Note: Stock variables correspond to levels at the END of the period
FORC[tidx] # Increase in radiative forcing (watts per m2 from 1765)
TATM[tidx] >= 0.0 # Increase temperature of atmosphere (degrees C from 1765)
TBOX1[tidx] # Increase temperature of box 1 (degrees C from 1765)
TBOX2[tidx] # Increase temperature of box 2 (degrees C from 1765)
RES0[tidx] # Carbon concentration in Reservoir 0 (GtC from 1765)
RES1[tidx] # Carbon concentration in Reservoir 1 (GtC from 1765)
RES2[tidx] # Carbon concentration in Reservoir 2 (GtC from 1765)
RES3[tidx] # Carbon concentration in Reservoir 3 (GtC from 1765)
MAT[tidx] >= 0.0 # Carbon concentration increase in atmosphere (GtC from 1765)
CACC[tidx] # Accumulated carbon in ocean and other sinks (GtC)
IRFT[tidx] >= 0.0 # IRF100 at time t
ALPHA[tidx] >= 0.0 # Carbon decay time scaling factor (control)
#SUMALPHA # Placeholder variable for objective function
# Constraints
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Climate variables
# Note: initial conditionsand stability bounds are set here as contraints, we can also try as fixed value
# Reservoir 0 law of motion
@constraint(m, res0lom[ti in tidx], RES0[ti] == ((ti == 1) ? res00 : (emshare0*tau0*ALPHA[ti]*(ECO2[ti]/3.667))*(1-exp(-tstep/(tau0*ALPHA[ti])))+RES0[ti-1]*exp(-tstep/(tau0*ALPHA[ti]))))
# Reservoir 1 law of motion
@constraint(m, res1lom[ti in tidx], RES1[ti] == ((ti == 1) ? res10 : (emshare1*tau1*ALPHA[ti]*(ECO2[ti]/3.667))*(1-exp(-tstep/(tau1*ALPHA[ti])))+RES1[ti-1]*exp(-tstep/(tau1*ALPHA[ti]))))
# Reservoir 2 law of motion
@constraint(m, res2lom[ti in tidx], RES2[ti] == ((ti == 1) ? res20 : (emshare2*tau2*ALPHA[ti]*(ECO2[ti]/3.667))*(1-exp(-tstep/(tau2*ALPHA[ti])))+RES2[ti-1]*exp(-tstep/(tau2*ALPHA[ti]))))
# Reservoir 3 law of motion
@constraint(m, res3lom[ti in tidx], RES3[ti] == ((ti == 1) ? res30 : (emshare3*tau3*ALPHA[ti]*(ECO2[ti]/3.667))*(1-exp(-tstep/(tau3*ALPHA[ti])))+RES3[ti-1]*exp(-tstep/(tau3*ALPHA[ti]))))
# Atmospheric concentration equation
@constraint(m, matlb[ti in tidx], MAT[ti] >= 10.0)
@constraint(m, mmat[ti in tidx], MAT[ti] == ((ti == 1) ? mat0 : mateq + RES0[ti] + RES1[ti] + RES2[ti] + RES3[ti]))
# Accumulated carbon in sinks equation
@constraint(m, cacceq[ti in tidx], CACC[ti] == CCATOT[ti]-(MAT[ti]-mateq))
# Radiative forcing equation
@constraint(m, force[ti in tidx], FORC[ti] == fco22x*((log((MAT[ti]/mateq))/log(2))) + f_misc[ti]+F_GHGABATE[ti] )
# Temperature box 1 law of motion
@constraint(m, tbox1eq[ti in tidx], TBOX1[ti] == ((ti == 1) ? tbox10 : TBOX1[ti-1]*exp(-tstep/d1)+teq1*FORC[ti]*(1-exp(-tstep/d1))))
# Temperature box 2 law of motion
@constraint(m, tbox2eq[ti in tidx[2:end]], TBOX2[ti] == ((ti == 1) ? tbox20 : TBOX2[ti-1]*exp(-tstep/d2)+teq2*FORC[ti]*(1-exp(-tstep/d2))))
# Temperature-climate equation for atmosphere
@constraint(m, tatmlb[ti in tidx], TATM[ti] >= 0.5)
@constraint(m, tatmub[ti in tidx], TATM[ti] <= 20.0)
@constraint(m, tatmeq[ti in tidx], TATM[ti] == ((ti == 1) ? tatm0 : TBOX1[ti]+TBOX2[ti]))
# Left-hand side of IRF100 equation
@constraint(m, irfeqlhs[ti in tidx], IRFT[ti] == (ALPHA[ti]*emshare0*tau0*(1-exp(-100/(ALPHA[ti]*tau0))))+(ALPHA[ti]*emshare1*tau1*(1-exp(-100/(ALPHA[ti]*tau1))))+(ALPHA[ti]*emshare2*tau2*(1-exp(-100/(ALPHA[ti]*tau2))))+(ALPHA[ti]*emshare3*tau3*(1-exp(-100/(ALPHA[ti]*tau3)))))
# Right-hand side of IRF100 equation
@constraint(m, irfeqrhs[ti in tidx], IRFT[ti] == irf0+irc*CACC[ti]+irt*TATM[ti])
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Emissions and Damages
# CO2 Emissions equation
@constraint(m, eco2eq[ti in tidx], ECO2[ti] == (sigma[ti]*YGROSS[ti] + eland[ti])*(1-MIU[ti]))
# Industrial CO2 equation
@constraint(m, eindeq[ti in tidx], EIND[ti] == (sigma[ti]*YGROSS[ti])*(1-MIU[ti]))
# CO2E Emissions equation
@constraint(m, eco2eeq[ti in tidx], ECO2E[ti] == (sigma[ti]*YGROSS[ti] + eland[ti] + co2e_ghgabateb[ti])*(1-MIU[ti]))
# Forcings abateable nonCO2 GHG equation
@constraint(m, f_ghgabateeq[ti in tidx], F_GHGABATE[ti] == ((ti == 1) ? f_ghgabate2020 : fcoef2*F_GHGABATE[ti-1]+ fcoef1*co2e_ghgabateb[ti-1]*(1-MIU[ti-1])))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Emissions and damage
# Cumulative total carbon emissions
@constraint(m, ccatoteq[ti in tidx], CCATOT[ti] == ((ti==1) ? cumemiss0 : CCATOT[ti-1] + ECO2[ti-1]*(tstep/3.666)))
# Equation for damage fraction
@constraint(m, damfraceq[ti in tidx], DAMFRAC[ti] == (a1*TATM[ti])+(a2base*TATM[ti]^a3))
# Damage equation
@constraint(m, dameq[ti in tidx], DAMAGES[ti] == YGROSS[ti] * DAMFRAC[ti])
# Cost of emissions reductions equation
@constraint(m, abateeq[ti in tidx], ABATECOST[ti] == YGROSS[ti] * cost1tot[ti] * (MIU[ti]^expcost2))
# Equation for MC abatement
@constraint(m, mcabateeq[ti in tidx], MCABATE[ti] == pbacktime[ti] * MIU[ti]^(expcost2-1))
# Carbon price equation from abatement
@constraint(m, carbpriceeq[ti in tidx], CPRICE[ti] == pbacktime[ti] * MIU[ti]^(expcost2-1))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Economic variables
# Output gross equation
@constraint(m, ygrosseq[ti in tidx], YGROSS[ti] == (al[ti]*(l[ti]/1000)^(1-gama))*(K[ti]^gama))
# Output net of damage equation
@constraint(m, yneteq[ti in tidx], YNET[ti] == YGROSS[ti]*(1-DAMFRAC[ti]))
# Output net equation
@constraint(m, yy[ti in tidx], Y[ti] == YNET[ti] - ABATECOST[ti])
# Consumption equation
@constraint(m, cc[ti in tidx], C[ti] == Y[ti] - I[ti])
@constraint(m, clb[ti in tidx], C[ti] >= 2)
# Per capita consumption definition
@constraint(m, cpce[ti in tidx], CPC[ti] == 1000 * C[ti] / l[ti])
@constraint(m, cpclb[ti in tidx], CPC[ti] >= 0.01)
# Savings rate equation
@constraint(m, seq[ti in tidx], I[ti] == S[ti] * Y[ti])
# Capital balance equation
@constraint(m, kk0, K[1] == k0)
@constraint(m, kk[ti in tidx[2:end]], K[ti] <= (1-dk)^tstep * K[ti-1] + tstep * I[ti-1])
@constraint(m, klb[ti in tidx], K[ti] >= 1)
# Long interest factor
@constraint(m, rfactlonglb[ti in tidx], RFACTLONG[ti] >= 0.0001)
@constraint(m, rfactlongeq[ti in tidx], RFACTLONG[ti] == ((ti ==1) ? 1000000 : srf *(CPC[ti]/CPC[1])^(-elasmu)*rr[ti]))
# Long-run interest rate equation
@constraint(m, rlongeq[ti in tidx[2:end]], RLONG[ti] == -log(RFACTLONG[ti]/srf)/(tstep*ti))
# Short-run interest rate equation
@constraint(m, rshorteq[ti in tidx[2:end]], RSHORT[ti] == -log(RFACTLONG[ti]/RFACTLONG[ti-1])/tstep)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Utility
# Instantaneous utility function equation
@constraint(m, periodueq[ti in tidx], PERIODU[ti] == ((C[ti]*1000/l[ti])^(1-elasmu)-1)/(1-elasmu)-1)
# Period utility
@constraint(m, totperiodueq[ti in tidx], TOTPERIODU[ti] == PERIODU[ti] * l[ti] * rr[ti])
# Total utility
@constraint(m, utileq, UTILITY == tstep * scale1 * sum(TOTPERIODU[ti] for ti in tidx) + scale2)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Other upper and lower bounds for stability
@constraint(m, alphalb[ti in tidx] , ALPHA[ti] >= 0.1)
@constraint(m, alphaub[ti in tidx] , ALPHA[ti] <= 100.0)
@constraint(m, miuub[ti in tidx] , MIU[ti] <= miuup[ti])
@constraint(m, sfix[ti in tidx[38:end]] , S[ti] == 0.28)
@objective(m, Max, UTILITY)
set_optimizer_attribute(m, "print_level", 5)
status= termination_status(m)
The model of course doesn’t work and doesn’t even try to iterate, quickly returning a nice “EXIT: Invalid number in NLP function or derivative detected” (feel like an editor rejection when at least you didn’t waste time…).
In this relatively large model, how can I debug it? How do I find the culprit? Is there an JuMP/Optimizer API that translates the Jacobian entry that erroed back into the original constraint of my JuMP model? I have look at the documentation, but there isn’t even a section for this, but I am pretty confident you can get this information in GAMS…