Any Go/Baduk/Weiqi players?

Are there any go/baduk/weiqi players in the Julia community?

Iā€™ve played Go before I think, but have more experience with Othello (although off-hand I couldnā€™t tell you the differences).

If youā€™re interested in Go in Julia, thereā€™s a Julia version of the AlphaGo Zero experiment that you can play against here:

There has been some criticism of it being a little easy (, but itā€™s a neat application and open-source so you could iterate on it if you so choose.

Iā€™m not playing actively nowadays but am a co-author of GNU Go and have been involved in some go-related theoretical research like and GitHub - GunnarFarneback/GoGameGraphs.


I used to play on that back in 2007. Awesome

I play a little go. On with one friend at a rate of about 2-3 games per yearā€¦ It sure is one of the best games.
I also used GNU Go, way-back. Thanks @GunnarFarneback for your efforts there!


I used to hover around 1 kyu - 1 dan on KGS but that was years ago, havenā€™t played vs humans at all since. But Iā€™ve been closely following the incredible AlphaZero developments and greatly enjoyed the experience of getting completely destroyed by Leela Zero last year.

I have been the french go champion in 1979 and 2006. I am 5dan EGF


I used to play infrequently in a local pub. I might still do, except for the pandemic. Iā€™m 5 kyu. At some point I mostly watched it on youtube.

Right now I mostly do chess puzzles.

I just picked it up together with my 7yo son, we only have <10 games under our belt. GNU go is also already installed, thank you for this!

I play every now and then. I used to play frequently (mostly on KGS) until ~5-6 years ago, now I just play occasionally on (which I find amazing).

OGS is an awesome site!

I like OGS as well. Shame there isnā€™t enough players

I was around 1 kyu 20 years ago :smile:, and I still occasionally play. Just checked OGS - it looks really cool.

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didnā€™t know that. hope to catch a game with u sometime.

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btw I did some simulation of the Chunlan cup from quarter final about to begin to today. Using Julia of course.

The big two Shin Jinseo and Ke Jie has a 51% and 30% chance of winning the tournament outright.